The Limited Times

A car ran over her in Lanús and she is alive by a miracle: "I want to find the culprit to find out why he did it"

4/11/2023, 9:47:45 AM

The victim, who was walking down the street 'for safety', suffered cuts, bruises and is concerned about a severe blow to the head. He suspects that it was intentional. The shocking video.

The images are shocking:

a car runs over a woman from behind in the street

, who flies through the air and hits another parked vehicle.

Even more incredible is that Adriana, the victim of this episode that occurred in


, is alive.

As she recovers from her multiple injuries, she struggles to find the

driver who got away

from her to ask him "why she did it."

It is that

the recordings of her make him think that it was not an accident

, but something deliberate.

The moment of the crash, which miraculously did not end in tragedy, happened at

2:50 in the morning last Friday


Adriana returned to her house after finishing her workday in a bar.

She was walking on the asphalt, near the sidewalk, for a matter of safety.

"I have always worked in gastronomic establishments and I drive at night. I have been robbed thousands of times, I am already tired of being robbed. I do

not walk on the sidewalk because they come out to steal from behind the trees, from the cars

They rob you, they rape you, they beat you. It's impossible. During the day I do walk the sidewalk, but not at night. That's why one tries to follow safety standards and I thought walking down the street would be safe, "he


in dialogue with



"I thought that walking down the street was going to be safe," said the woman who was hit by a car in Lanús.

That was not her only security measure:

a neighbor was also with her


They were walking down Marcos Avellaneda and, 20 meters ahead of the intersection with Estados Unidos Street, they heard a car engine.

The man who accompanied her told her "be careful", but she did not finish pronouncing the word and Adriana was already in the air.

Despite the strong and unexpected blow, he quickly got up from the ground.

"What a blow he gave me", she came to say.


she is miraculously alive

, but she did not escape unscathed: "

My body is all beaten up, 

three stitches and several bumps on my head. My neck hurts a lot from the whiplash I gave and my back from how I fell against the car and then against the I have a huge bruise under my tail. My legs and arms are also full of bruises.

My soul hurts."

To make matters worse,

the attention at the Evita Hospital was "loose

", as he described it.

It is that she only had three X-rays and, although she suffered a very serious blow to the head,

they did not do any tomography


In addition, she was kept waiting for many hours and, when they attended her,

they sutured her in the corridor of the building


The woman run over in Lanus, who saved her life almost by a miracle, said that "it hurts to her soul."

"My head is what worries me the most, because

I have a tickle and I forget things

. I was slow for two days, words got stuck," she complained


The driver who escaped and the suspicion that it was an intentional crash

"Do you think it was on purpose?" The


journalist asked him .

Although she did not say that she was convinced, she explained that this is the version that she closes the most.

And she argued her position: "The car is coming straight down the street where I am walking,

it must have seen me


"In the dome of the Municipality you can see that it is coming straight ahead and that there are two people inside. One of the two must have seen me," he insisted.

Finally, he expressed his desire to find the person responsible, who fled the place without even stopping: "I can't understand what happened. Why. What led that person to do such a thing. I want to find the driver to find out why he did 


. If it bothers you that I walk down the street, you can honk at me, but not do what you did." 

Although two cameras managed to capture the accident, the patent cannot be identified in any of the images because it is very illuminated.

"From the Municipality they told me that they are going to follow up on the car to be able to locate the driver," Adriana closed.


look too

Mar del Plata: the car attendant who jumped into the sea to flee from the police is found dead in Playa Chica

They searched for him for ten days and found his body burned in a well and covered with garbage.