The Limited Times

Our list of the top 20 psychology faculties

4/11/2023, 5:17:20 PM

EXCLUSIVE - Several universities are distinguished by their attractiveness, their academic excellence, and the good professional integration of their graduates.

Paris, Aix Marseille, Angers, Strasbourg... The list of universities in psychology is vast and particularly scrutinized by high school students.

In 2022 again, the degree in psychology was among the most requested training courses on Parcoursup, with more than 140,000 applications.

For the first time, Le


has set out to rank the various faculties of psychology to establish an exclusive list of 20 universities that are doing well.

In order to establish this ranking, Le


took into account 8 different criteria.

We first looked at candidates for a psychology license in order to assess the attractiveness of each establishment: how many were on Parcoursup in the main phase?

Of those who received a proposal at a university, how many accepted the proposal?

What was the baccalaureate average of neo-bachelors entering these courses?

Professional integration was also assessed since we took into account…

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