The Limited Times

Sparks Action-Italia Viva on the single party

4/11/2023, 10:41:19 AM

'Renzi's tactics unacceptable'. The reply: 'No tactics, ready for the congress that Calenda asked for' (ANSA)

"The only decisive problem today for the construction of the single liberal-democratic party is that Renzi does not want to make the commitment to dissolve Italia Viva and to finance the new entity and the electoral campaigns".

This is what a senior executive from Azione recounts in a conversation with Ansa, commenting on the background stories that have appeared in the newspapers in recent days and defining the months-long tactics of the former prime minister as "unacceptable".

"The patience of the management team of Action has run out. During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved. If this is not the case, the single party will not be able to be born".

"Matteo Renzi - underlines the same source - has surprisingly replaced Rosato at the helm of the party, to directly control its money and structure.

In this way he also delegitimized the political committee of the Third Pole federation where today there is no IV representative capable of making commitments.

Calenda deems this attitude unacceptable as it is contrary to the commitments made with the voters.

After months of tactics by Renzi on the single party and his absences from the activities of the Third Pole to take care of private affairs, to which Il Riformista has recently been added, the patience of the Azione management team has run out.

During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved.

If this is not the case, the single party cannot be born".

Calenda deems this attitude unacceptable as it is contrary to the commitments made with the voters.

After months of tactics by Renzi on the single party and his absences from the activities of the Third Pole to take care of private affairs, to which Il Riformista has recently been added, the patience of the Azione management team has run out.

During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved.

If this is not the case, the single party cannot be born".

Calenda deems this attitude unacceptable as it is contrary to the commitments made with the voters.

After months of tactics by Renzi on the single party and his absences from the activities of the Third Pole to take care of private affairs, to which Il Riformista has recently been added, the patience of the Azione management team has run out.

During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved.

If this is not the case, the single party cannot be born".

During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved.

If this is not the case, the single party cannot be born".

During the week - concludes the source - we will understand if this knot can be resolved.

If this is not the case, the single party cannot be born".

"There is no tactics" Alessia Cappello and Ciro Buonajuto, national spokespersons for Italia Viva, reply in a note in a note.

"We have decided to hold a democratic congress in which we meet face-to-face and not with anonymous showgirls. The dates have already been set, there are the rules decided by Calenda including those on membership, there are working groups with names already decided, there is the political committee. We are ready for the congress that Calenda has asked to hold. And we put our names and surnames on it. There is someone who changes his mind once a day, but that someone is not us".

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