The Limited Times

The former Andalusian Employment Minister Agustín Barberá enters prison to serve his sentence in the 'ERE case'

4/11/2023, 6:59:27 PM

Of the eight former high-ranking officials of the Board convicted of embezzlement, only former president José Antonio Griñán, undergoing treatment for cancer, is free

The former Deputy Minister of Employment of the Junta de Andalucía Agustín Barberá, sentenced to seven years in prison for embezzlement in the political piece of the

ERE case

, has entered jail, as the newspaper


has advanced and they have confirmed to EL PAÍS Penitentiary institutions sources.

The Provincial Court of Seville granted a 10-day period on March 30 to the former high-ranking official of the regional administration to enter the prison of his choice, after having dismissed the appeal in which he requested the suspension of the sentence for being ill Of cancer.

After Barberá was admitted to the El Puerto III prison, in Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), the former president of the Junta José Antonio Griñán is the only one of the eight former high-ranking Andalusian officials sentenced to prison terms by the ERE who still free.

The former socialist leader requested on December 23, like Barberá, the suspension of his six-year prison sentence for embezzlement, to be treated for prostate cancer.

Griñán made the request one day after the judges of the Seville Court ordered the entry into prison of the former leaders of the autonomous administration.

Then, following the criteria of the forensic doctor, it was agreed to suspend the entry into the Griñán prison until the end of the radiotherapy sessions to which he has undergone.

The magistrates, however, required the former Andalusian president on March 30 to submit the medical reports on the completion of his treatment to rule on his future imprisonment.

The lawyer of the former leader of the PSOE, José María Calero, has explained to this newspaper that all the medical documentation has been delivered to the room as the treatment has progressed.

The radiotherapy sessions have ended, confirms the lawyer, and in the last week of this month his client has a new review to determine its effects and how the process should continue, which the court will also be informed of promptly.

The magistrates requested information at the time from the Seville prison about the conditions to be able to follow cancer treatment in its facilities, receiving a generic response about the protocols and the follow-up that is carried out on a regular basis with this type of patient.

In the case of Barberá, who requested the suspension before Griñán, the Court of Seville determined that although he "suffers from a serious and incurable disease", in view of the medical treatment sent by his defense and the report from the prison, "his treatment It can be dispensed in said center, with the hospital reviews to which it must be submitted.

Griñán's defense is not concerned that this opinion could be a precedent for the decision taken by the judges when they have all the medical reports, because each cancer and each treatment are different.