The Limited Times

“As a mother”: Shakira implores the paparazzi to stop stalking her two sons, 8 and 10

4/12/2023, 9:29:29 AM

Separated from footballer Gerard Pique since June 2022, singer Shakira, now living in Florida with her two sons, split an Instagram post earlier this week asking the press to respect the privacy of her children.

It is not easy to turn the page after a difficult breakup.

Colombian singer Shakira, 46, can attest to that.

His split from football star Gerard Pique has been hyped, so much so that the

Hips Don't Lie

singer recently decided to move from Barcelona to Miami, Florida with their two sons, Milan (10) and Sasha (8).

But the pressure from the paparazzi did not subside.

In a post published Monday April 10 on Instagram, Shakira does not hide her concern about the impact of this hunt on the mental health of her two children and implores the press to leave them alone.

“A difficult year”

“Dear friends, journalists and media.

In this time of change in my life as a public figure, it is understandable that there is a constant curiosity from the press around me and my family.

However, my children Milan and Sasha have had a very difficult year, suffering from an incessant siege and relentless persecution by the paparazzi and several media in Barcelona”, she laments in her publication.

The singer then called on the media to show understanding vis-à-vis this grotesque situation.

"As they begin a new phase in their lives, I ask the media on their behalf to respect their right to privacy," she continues.

Please refrain from following them until they leave or enter school, wait for them at our door, or follow them until their extracurricular and playful activities as has happened every day in Barcelona in order to get pictures or better audiences.”

In conclusion of her post, Shakira ends her press release by playing the card of sincerity.

“I make this request no longer as an artist but as a mother, she underlines.

I want to protect and care for the psychological well-being of my children so that they can live a healthy and happy life, as every child deserves.”