The Limited Times

Danger from herpes viruses: never kiss the baby – mother experiences shocking things

4/12/2023, 6:47:44 PM

Herpes blisters are uncomfortable and painful - and highly contagious. The case of a 21-month-old toddler shows the severe course an infection can have, especially in children.

Herpes blisters are uncomfortable and painful - and highly contagious.

The case of a 21-month-old toddler shows the severe course an infection can have, especially in children.

A virus infection with herpes simplex - not to be confused with herpes zoster, which causes shingles - is noticeable in most cases repeatedly as painful, fluid-filled blisters.

These occur most commonly on the lips, on and around the mouth, face or eyes, and genitals.

It usually takes a week or 14 days for the disease to heal.

Anyone who has ever had herpes simplex can theoretically do it again and again.

Sometimes, however, bacterial superinfection occurs, which can make the disease more severe or last longer.

In some cases there is even a risk of serious complications: if the eye is affected, vision may be reduced.

there is danger to life

if the herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes sepsis or even encephalitis (HSV encephalitis).

A mother whose toddler was seriously ill with HSV calls for caution online.

Danger from herpes viruses: types, risk groups, spread


Herpes simples is a virus that causes blisters and mouth ulcers.

Babies can be infected through kisses.

It is not uncommon for those affected, especially children, to develop a fever with the first infection and show a general feeling of illness.

Serious complications can also occur.

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© Caption Writer/Editor/Imago

Herpes simplex is one of eight forms of herpesviruses that are infectious for humans.

There are two types of herpes simplex virus (HSV):

  • Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1): Usually causes the well-known "cold sores" on the lips, called cold sores or herpes labialis, and infections of the cornea in the eye, called herpes simplex keratitis.

  • Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2): causative agent of genital herpes

Finally, genital infections can also be caused by HSV-1.

The infection can also spread to other parts of the body, such as the brain or gastrointestinal tract.

A serious infection is possible in newborns, small children or people with a weakened immune system, especially in patients with HIV infection.

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People who have survived a virus infection are carriers of the pathogen from that point on and can basically get HSV again and again - the virus can be reactivated several times.

Reactivation in the body can be triggered by the following factors:

  • stress

  • Emotional Burden

  • Gripal infect

  • Fever

  • weakened immune system

  • Physical trauma, such as after a painful visit to the dentist or sunburned lips

Highly contagious, herpes simples virus infection usually occurs through direct contact with the rash, on the mouth or genitals, or an infected area where no blisters are visible.

People can therefore also be infectious without blisters.

If those affected get herpes for the first time, the infection is often associated with high fever and a strong feeling of illness.

Danger from herpes viruses: never kiss the baby – mother experiences shocking things

So did little Sadie from Australia.

Her mother, Leah Green, shared photos of the little girl on Instagram via tinyheartseducartion, and via an emotional TikTok video.

Sadie contracted a severe form of HSV from a kiss from an adult, prompting her mother to urge all parents to be careful.

"It's been a very, very long three weeks so I'm hoping I can help people by raising awareness.

Please don't kiss or let anyone kiss your baby," appealed the concerned mother.

"It shouldn't matter if the adult feels offended by it.

Protect your baby".

Cancer-causing viruses: These pathogens can cause cancer

Cancer-causing viruses: These pathogens can cause cancer

Users also reacted in dismay and left affected comments on Leah Green's Instagram and TikTok posts, such as:

  • "Indescribable pain.

    Aphthae are already hell, but for children something like that is more than that!

    That hurts my heart.”

  • "Had that too, it's so painful."

  • "My mother's heart bleeds at the sight!

    I wish her that things will get better very quickly.”

  • "This is horrible!

    The poor child.

    Setting boundaries can be really difficult when there are people who don't understand and disregard parents' views and decisions.

    Why do other people have to kiss a stranger's child, especially on the mouth?"

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by Tiny Hearts (@tinyheartseducation)

There is currently no drug that can prevent infection with the herpes simplex virus.

Only antiviral drugs such as ointments help to alleviate the symptoms.

In order to accelerate the healing process, treatment should be started as early as possible.

In addition to antiviral agents, painkillers are also useful in severe cases. 

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

Rubric list image: © Caption Writer/Editor/Imago