The Limited Times

Drought in the Alpes-Maritimes: an "agricultural calamity" recognized for the year 2022

4/12/2023, 5:29:54 PM

This decree, taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, will allow certain producers to compensate for their losses linked to the drought.

Le Figaro Nice

In a decree issued on March 29, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty recognizes an “agricultural calamity” linked to the 2022 drought in the Alpes-Maritimes.

This will allow farmers and producers to receive financial aid to compensate for their losses linked to these exceptional climatic conditions in the department.

Even if the phenomenon of drought is apprehended and known in this territory, it intensifies and repeats itself for three years.

This year again, the rain is lacking and the whole territory has been on drought alert since March 13, which does not bode well for the agricultural environment.

The Hôtel de Villeroy, occupied by Marc Fesneau, relied on article L. 361-5 of the rural and maritime fishing code to define this incident.

The decree specifies the sectors which will be able to benefit from the aid of the government.

These are the losses of crops on fodder, olives, snails and honey, in particular the loss of bottom on hive, indicates the ministry.

Eligible producers have until May 31 to submit their application in order to obtain financial support from the State.

Read alsoIn the Pays de Grasse, drought worries the luxury perfume industry

More worrying situation in 2023

The state of “agricultural calamity” can be defined when the damage suffered is linked to

“the occurrence of a climatic phenomenon having been characterized as exceptional following a meteorological expertise”

, details the ministry.

Only “uninsurable”


are taken into account, in connection with the mentioned article of the rural code.

In this sense, the losses on the cereal harvests or in the vines cannot be part of this system, just like any damage linked to hail.

This decree therefore applies specifically to the Alpes-Maritimes and to certain productions.

The loss must increase to 30% over the year to receive compensation.

In 2022, the department experienced a rainfall deficit of 43% on the same date and a drought vigilance stage had been decreed by the prefecture from March 9 to December 15.

The situation is similar this year, if not worse, since the lack of water and rain climbs to 50%.