The Limited Times

Due to his health problems, Ulises Bueno announced he is moving away from music

4/12/2023, 7:05:44 PM

In a statement that he released on his networks, the singer assured that he will depart "from the stages without a return date."

Ulises Bueno

, who in recent days has canceled various presentations due to acute bronchopneumopathy, shared a statement on his social networks announcing that he will "

stay away from the stage."

"Communiqué. After 23 years in music, we inform you that Ulises Bueno will leave the stage without a return date, to prioritize his health

," he says.

And then it is clarified: "The dates agreed and already scheduled will be fulfilled as agreed.

His last presentation

will be on May 13 at the CBA Capital Forge Complex."

The statement that was disseminated on Ulises Bueno's social networks.

"From now on we bring peace of mind to everyone and we are waiting for you this Saturday in the last Plaza de La Música. Greetings," the statement ended, which quickly

impacted all the followers of Ulises.

His fans filled the social networks of the quartetero singer with messages, some of concern for his health, also regretting his decision and with words of support in this difficult moment that he has to go through.

The word of Ulises Bueno

After the communication was released, the Cordovan singer spoke on the Cordoba program 

El Show del Lagarto

(El Doce) and

explained how he is in health and how he will continue his artistic career.

Ulises Bueno will move away from music and return in 2024. Photo: File.

Ulises assured that he will comply with the commitments assumed and then he will go

"to rest a bit as any human being lives."

"We are with batteries, one has been doing this for so long, I have been working for 23 years and there are little things that must be taken care of to fulfill everything we have," said

Ulises, making it clear that his intention is not to move away from music definitively. , but would return in 2024.

Then, about his health, he highlighted: "

I'm evolving well, much better. It was something that started with chest pain

, with a dry cough, and well, since we're used to being cold at night, I didn't worry so much , but on Tuesday it already started stronger and we had to call the doctor".

In addition,

Ulises said that he has kidney infections and "little things that must be polished"

, for which he considers this time necessary to "return to next year with more strength".


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