The Limited Times

Firefighting: "It's not nirvana, but the government was ready immediately"

4/12/2023, 4:05:41 PM

INTERVIEW – The government announced its fire plan for the next fire season on Tuesday. Encouraging but perfectible, for MP Pierre Morel-A-L'Huissier, "referent firefighters" in the Assembly.

Pierre Morel-A-L'Huissier has been a deputy (LIOT, Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires) for Lozère since 2002.

"Referent firefighters" at the National Assembly, he was the initiator and rapporteur of the law on volunteer firefighters in 2011 and rapporteur for the Civil Security budget.

He has also been chairman of the fire brigade study group since 2015.

In the coming days, he will be in charge of a government parliamentary mission on the helicopter means of relief to people and on emergency medical aid, he announces to



On Tuesday, he was one of the parliamentarians who accompanied the ministerial delegation to Gironde.

On Tuesday, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, accompanied by Christophe Béchu (Ecological Transition), Marc Fesneau (Agriculture) and Dominique Faure (Local authorities), unveiled in Gironde the main lines of the "2023 system for fighting


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