The Limited Times

Green light from the Chamber, fair compensation is law

4/12/2023, 4:17:47 PM

With 213 votes in favour, no against, and 59 abstentions. Criticisms from the opposition (ANSA)

 Final go-ahead from the Chamber of Deputies to the bill on fair compensation for the services of freelancers.

The text was approved with 213 votes in favor, no against, and 59 abstentions: the deputies of the Democratic Party.

The text requires banking and insurance companies (and their subsidiaries and agents) and companies with more than 50 employees, or with a turnover of more than 10 million, to pay the professional to whom they entrust tasks a fair fee, "proportionate to the amount and to the quality of work" and "compliant with ministerial parameters" for the determination of remuneration.

"They saw us coming and we have arrived! The approval of the law on fair compensation is a result strongly desired by the government, Forza Italia and the entire centre-right. A victory which, starting today, makes the country more inclusive and civil" .

This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Justice and Senator of Forza Italia Francesco Paolo Sisto.

"A market in which loopholes exist for not recognizing the full economic value of a professional service is an unfair and unbalanced market. It was therefore necessary to intervene with a regulatory instrument that would bring order to the jungle of leonine pacts and the imbalance in favor of large clients, guaranteeing younger professionals in particular. We did it, with tenacity and passion, to protect an entire sector and citizens", he concludes.

"Finally, the principle of fair compensation is recognized by a state law. It is a long-awaited response and for which I worked hard in the last legislature, with a bill of which I was the first signatory, with the aim of fill a clear lack of protection for professionals. A battle of civilization aimed at the affirmation of a sacrosanct principle that today is sanctioned once and for all: the services of the professions must always be paid for adequately. One can no longer mortify the know-how of which this sector is the bearer and which represents an essential factor of competitiveness for the entire country system".

This was stated by the manager of relations with the professions of Forza Italia Andrea Mandelli.

"Fair compensation is finally a reality. With the definitive approval in the Chamber of the bill signed by Meloni first, those professionals will in fact be protected, inexplicably criminalized by the policies of the past, who provide intellectual services on a daily basis to companies and public administrations. Thanks to the rules approved today, there will no longer be underpaid professionals and they will be guaranteed a right clearly protected also by our Constitution".

This was stated by Tommaso Foti, group leader of Fdi in the Chamber.

"It is a first step - he continues - towards a reform that will concern training, orientation and access to the profession. Thanks to the consistent and determined commitment of Fratelli d'

"The Democratic Party has long been involved in approving laws that protect the right to fair pay for workers, as enshrined in Article 36 of the Constitution. This is why we are engaged in the battle for the approval of the legal minimum wage and it is this is why we have worked for the affirmation of fair compensation for freelancers. From this point of view, we have made a contribution so that the regulation, approved today, was as broad and extensive as possible. With regret, however, we must acknowledge that our suggestions for improvements were rejected by the majority."

This was stated by Federico Gianassi, leader of the Democratic Party in the Justice Commission of the Chamber, explaining the abstention of the Dems on fair compensation.

"We had asked,

for example - he explains - to extend the range of companies obliged to recognize fair compensation, lowering the size limits and extending the obligation also to the collection companies, just as we had asked to cancel the sanctions for the professional who is the weaker part of the relationship and he cannot also be sanctioned if a fair compensation is not recognized.

We also suggested envisaging a transitional rule that would intervene on all existing relationships that do not comply with fair compensation.

We have received, from the government and the majority, only an insurmountable wall". "For this reason, while appreciating that today's rule affirms the principle of fair compensation and extends the scope of application compared to that of 2017,

we cannot fail to register with regret that this is a lost opportunity because it will leave hundreds of thousands of freelancers still out of protection.

And it is for these reasons that the Pd group abstained," he concluded.

"Fair compensation is law, with a government that has decided to do it quickly and badly, without listening to the representatives. An insufficient text that does not guarantee any fair compensation to professionals".

This was stated in a note by Chiara Gribaudo, vice president of the Democratic Party, observing how the one approved today is "a text which, instead of sanctioning the defaulting client, provides for the automatic disciplinary liability of the underpaid professional. What is certain is that we could, we should have done better ", he concludes.

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