The Limited Times

Lyon: the Rhône and the metropolis of Lyon on drought alert

4/12/2023, 4:53:42 PM

This vigilance aims to alert on the sensitivity of water resources and to invite users - individuals, industrialists, farmers, communities - to use water sparingly.

Le Figaro Lyon

Spring has barely arrived, the Rhône department and the metropolis of Lyon have just been placed on drought alert by the Rhône prefecture.

After a period of intense drought in 2022, the winter season, usually conducive to recharging groundwater and waterways, was marked by an unprecedented lack of precipitation.

The rains of the past few days have not been sufficient to restore a normal situation of groundwater tables and watercourses, with no prospect of significant improvement in the short and medium terms",

state services indicate. in a press release explaining the situation.

Read alsoThe flow of the Rhône to the challenge of global warming

This vigilance aims to alert on the sensitivity of water resources and to invite users - individuals, industrialists, farmers, communities - to use water sparingly.

Also, "

everyone is asked to adopt the right reflexes for rational water management, whether from withdrawals from rivers, groundwater or from public distribution networks"

, continues the prefecture.

If the current situation does not improve over the next few weeks, additional measures restricting and prohibiting the use of water could be taken.