The Limited Times

The "aging well" bill divides up to the majority

4/12/2023, 6:18:11 PM

The text is not at all up to the challenge according to many parliamentarians. One MEP even resigned from her post as co-rapporteur as the project lacked ambition.

The stakes are not the least, but the proposed measures are not up to the task.

This is at least what many parliamentarians criticize the Renaissance and Horizons bill

"to build a society of aging well in France"

, debated this week in the National Assembly.

The text, which includes 14 articles aimed at dealing with

“the aging of the population”

, the

“loss of autonomy”

and the

“ill-treatment of vulnerable people”

, could have garnered widespread support.

And yet it could well be rejected by the elected representatives of the Lower House.

On the right as on the left, the opposition deplores measures that lack ambition.

While, on April 11, the deputies began their examination of the PPL, the group of Republicans notably voted for the motion of rejection previously tabled by the elected Communists.

Which was ultimately not adopted (141 for, 166 against).

Read alsoThe cry of alarm from caregivers who refuse euthanasia

"This text is just a joke,"

squeals Olivier Marleix.

Just a


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