The Limited Times

Transformation: This is how different "Battle of the Reality Stars" contestant Kate Merlan looked in 2015

4/12/2023, 6:53:55 PM

Kate Merlan has already appeared in various reality TV formats and will soon be involved in "Battle of the Reality Stars" – but the tattoo model is hardly recognizable in pictures from 2015

Kate Merlan has already appeared in various reality TV formats and will soon be involved in "Battle of the Reality Stars" – but the tattoo model is hardly recognizable in pictures from 2015

Cologne – Whether "The Summer House of the Stars", "Celebrities under the Palm Trees" or "Take Me Out", Kate Merlan (36) has been touring through the reality TV landscape for years.

Her latest project "Kampf der Realitystars" starts on April 12 on RTL2.

She was even seen with her partner Jakub Merlan-Jarecki (27) on "Temptation Island VIP" in 2021.

Since their separation last year, however, the on-off couple has repeatedly exchanged public blows.

During sex detox, Kate Merlan became a blonde

How changeable she is has been proven several times by her TV fame.

In 2019, she was still seen with long red hair on "The Summer House of the Stars", which heralded Kate Merlan's separation from her then-boyfriend Benjamin Boyce.

In order to tempt her husband Jakub during a sex detox, she had dyed her hair blonde again last year.

The influencer is also not averse to beauty interventions, as she openly admits again and again.

In the depths of her Facebook profile, however, there is a picture that shows Kate as she has not been seen for a long time.

Significantly younger, but also far more natural, she looks skeptical.

Apparently she liked it shrill even then.

In the photo, Kate is wearing a bright pink beanie.

The recording was made around eight years ago and shows the native of Saxony-Anhalt in the reality TV show "Newtopia".

A lot has changed for her since then.

These are the participants of "Battle of the Reality Stars" 2023

Giulia Siegel (48), Daisy Dee (52), Aneta Sablik (34), Ingrid Pavic (34), Percival Duke (58), Paul Janke (41), Uschi Hopf (76), Antonia Hemmer (22), Matthias Mangiapane (39), Peggy Jerofke (47), Eva Benetatou (30), Serkan Yavuz (28), Emmy Russ (23), Manni Ludolf (60), Bernd Kieckhäben (33), Daniel Schmidt (39), Lukas Baltruschat (28 ), Sarah Knappik (36), Sascha Sirtl (43), Jay Sirtl (45), Tim Sandt (32), Nico "Patsche" Patschinski (46), Jéssica Sulikowski (29)

Kate Merlan is currently fighting with ex Jakub on "Prominent Separated"

With her current look, the TV fame can currently be seen again as a team with her ex Jakub on "Prominent Separated".

There, the married couple even seem to be getting closer again.

During the broadcast, however, rumors circulated that Kate was even supposed to be dating her show colleague Gustav Masurek (33).

However, the 36-year-old can only reveal the secret of her current relationship status after the end of the show.

In addition, in a few weeks, Kate will compete in "Battle of the Reality Stars" in a sala in Thailand for a prize money of 50,000 euros.

Last year Elena Miras (30) won the race.

This year, however, the tension is not too high.

In order to wipe out the RTL2 broadcaster because of the Wendler documentary, which has since been canceled again, ex-candidate Malkiel Rouven Dietrich already spoiled, which of Kate Merlan's comrades-in-arms "Battle of the Reality Stars" emerged as the winner.

Sources used

: Facebook / Kate Merlan

List of rubrics: © Future Image/Imago