The Limited Times

"I just need to be there for her": Ben Attal confides in the state of health of his grandmother, Jane Birkin

4/13/2023, 3:24:48 PM

In the podcast As long as there are men, the son of Charlotte Gainsbourg confided in his famous family, and in particular his grandmother whose health remains fragile.

Ben Attal gives news of Jane Birkin, and these are not necessarily reassuring.

The British singer, who has suffered from health problems for many years, was recently forced to cancel a series of concerts, due to an injury: "I'm not well at all, I broke my shoulder blade and I have a lot of pain”, she explained to the newspaper Le Télégramme at the beginning of March.

Guest of the podcast

As long as there are men

, available since Wednesday April 5, the son of Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal confided in his famous family, in particular his English grandmother: “I will see her because that she is starting to get a little tired,” adding that he came to visit her just before the taping of the show.

Read alsoCharlotte Gainsbourg looks back on her estrangement from Paris after the tragic death of her sister Kate Barry

The 25-year-old comedian said he hadn't seen much of "Granny Jane" as a child: "I just found her, I hadn't spoken to her for a very long time.

Today I see her vulnerable, like that, in need.

(…) I just need to be there for her,” he told columnist Julia Molkhou.

The young man has indeed long felt closer to his paternal grandparents.

What he explains by the disappearance of his grandfather Serge Gainsbourg, before his birth: “My mother felt her loss in a very harsh way.

We have this side that has always been a little hidden.

As soon as a song was on the radio, we changed,” he recalls.

76-year-old Jane Birkin has planned to meet her audience in Paris at the Olympia on June 17, 2023, and at La Cigale on June 22, 2023, then on the road to summer festivals and on tour in the fall.

In video, Alice Attal, daughter of Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal, sings Bob Dylan