The Limited Times

Cédric Andrieux takes over as head of the Lyon ballet

4/13/2023, 5:24:28 PM

APPOINTMENT - The director of the CNSMD of Paris returns to the capital of Gaul. He will take up his duties this summer to give new impetus to this company which has weathered a few storms in recent months.

Return to Lyons.

Cédric Andrieux was a dancer there, he returns to the head of the Ballet.

Similarly, in 2018, he returned to the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Danse de Paris to take over as director.

It was there that he had been trained.

The man, born in 1977, may seem to have a taste for curls.

He is above all a tireless worker, who has a sense of dialogue and reflection.

Leading a company was the last string missing from his bow: Cédric Andrieux did just about every possible job in dance.

Interpreter, pedagogue, assistant choreographer, production manager, director of a Grande Ecole...

At the CNSMD De Paris, Cédric Andrieux has carried out work which will mark, with the advent of great forms such as Trisha Brown or Cunningham for one hundred dancers in 2021, and 2022, the presentation of students from the classical section at the Prix de Lausanne , the creation of a master's degree in interpretation or a health centre.

In Lyon too, Cédric Andrieux arrives with great ambition.

I intend to direct the ballet, bring a form of stability and make it radiate

he says.

In short, to reconnect with the golden age of this company, the second in France, which has the particularity of being specially dedicated to the contemporary repertoire.

At the turn of the 2000s, she was one of the finest ambassadors of contemporary dance abroad.

So much so that the call for applications, launched in January when Julie Guibert announced her departure, generated a considerable number of 63 applications from 26 countries.

A selection committee examined them, made up of Annie Bozzini, general director of the choreographic center of Wallonia-Brussels Charleroi Danse, Tiago Guedes, director of the Biennale de la danse and the Maison de la Danse de Lyon, Jan Martens, choreographer, co-founder of the choreographic platform GRIP in Antwerp/Rotterdam, and Emily Molnar, artistic director of Nederands Dance Theatre.

Richard Brunel, general and artistic director of the Opéra de Lyon, announced his appointment after the unanimous opinion of this committee.

In Lyon, Andrieux's challenge is to give impetus around a project that will unite all the dancers.

In recent years, the company has been tested by a certain number of hesitations: the difficult departure of Yorgos Loukos who for a time knew how to make the ballet of Lyon an exceptional tool, then the passionate direction of Julie Andrieux who knew how to attract creators without succeed in captivating all the dancers.

Andrieux proved it at the Conservatoire: he knows how to conduct and he has taste.

He plans to work on the DNA of the company: taking up its emblematic pieces and placing creation at the heart of his work.

It also intends to innovate by creating links with other artistic fields.

This too he knows.

Cédric Andrieux was a dancer with Merce Cunningham for ten years, from 1998 to 2007, before joining the ballet de Lyon in 2007. In

Cédric Andrieux

, Jerome Bel had him tell the inside story of the days he spent with Cunningham.

A short piece that was worth more than many large books written on the subject to explain the art of the American master.