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Jogger (26) killed: hunt for Gaia the bear begins – Stoiber sees himself confirmed in the Bruno case

4/13/2023, 7:18:02 PM

After the death of a jogger, the search for the bear Gaia has begun. Italy also wants to relocate numerous bears. Conservationists are critical.

After the death of a jogger, the search for the bear Gaia has begun.

Italy also wants to relocate numerous bears.

Conservationists are critical.

Update from Thursday, April 13, 6:25 p.m .:

The former Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber (CSU) feels confirmed in his dealings with “problem bear” Bruno 17 years ago after the deadly bear attack in northern Italy.

"Perhaps some people who criticized us so harshly at the time see things differently today," Stoiber told the

Münchner Merkur


The "bad incident" shows "unfortunately in a terrible way how right the experts were at the time".

According to a DNA comparison, the female bear who killed a 26-year-old jogger in the municipality of Caldes in the northern Italian province of Trentino in the week before Easter is a sister of Bruno, who was shot in Bavaria in 2006.

"Of course, I immediately thought of the enormous excitement that we felt in Bavaria in May 2006 when, for the first time in 170 years, a bear appeared in the wild in Bavaria," said Stoiber.

The then Environment Minister Werner Schnappauf reported to him that the animal was out of control, the former CSU boss recalls.

"He therefore issued the shooting order, and I supported this decision with deep conviction, even if it brought us severe hostility from animal rights activists." Bear Gaia is also to be killed now.

After Jogger's death: hunt for bear Gaia begins

Update from Thursday, April 13, 10:35 a.m .:

After the death of 26-year-old jogger Andrea Papi, a debate begins about the coexistence of humans and bears.

According to the regional president of Trentino-Alto Adige, Maurizio Fugatti, the bear responsible, Gaia, is to be sought and killed "to ensure public safety."

Fugatti, who discussed the bear problem with Italy's Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin on Tuesday (April 11), now calls for the mass transfer of bears from Trentino to other areas.

This should halve the population in the area.

It is estimated that there are 100 bears in the region.

In addition, problem bears like Gaia (JJ4), who killed the jogger in northern Italy, are to be killed.

But the two animals with the codes MJ5 and M62 are also on the hit list, the

Berliner Morgenpost

reported .

The bears are also said to have attacked humans in the past.

Gaia kills joggers: Italy wants to relocate bears and kill problem animals

Environment Minister Fratin now wants to examine the request and reconsider the "Life Urus" project, which promoted the reintroduction of bears.

As part of the project, ten bears, including Gaia's mother Jurka, were released in Slovenia in 1999.


Andrea Papi was killed by a bear while jogging in northern Italy.

(icon picture)

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Conservationists are critical of Italy's plans.

"It is important to remember, even after this tragic event, that bears typically fear humans, keep their distance and try to avoid close encounters: their reactions are triggered by fear or situations they perceive as threatening to themselves and their offspring." see,” the



the environmental protection association WWF.

The conservationists call for the use of bear sprays and acoustic devices instead of resettlement.

Jogger killed in Italy: Bear Gaia is the sister of "problem bear" Bruno

First message:

Caldes – The violent death of Andrea Papi in the northern Italian province of Trentino still causes horror.

The 26-year-old was attacked and killed by a bear while jogging.

The autopsy report released by the police provided gruesome details of his agony.

According to DNA traces, the animal named Gaia is the sister of the "problem bear" Bruno.

He was shot in Bavaria in 2006.

Gaia's mother is the brown bear Jurka, who was released in Slovenia in 1999 as part of the EU project "Life Ursus".

Bear kills jogger: Sister of "problem bear" Bruno attacked two people in 2020

The bear Gaia - also called JJ4 - is the younger sister of Bruno (JJ1).

Almost 17 years ago, the "problem bear" caused a stir in Bavaria.

The jogger's death isn't Gaia's first momentous encounter with a human either.

In June 2020, the bear attacked two people in Trentino, Italian newspaper 

Repubblica reported.

A man was seriously injured.

At that time, the killing of the animal was requested.

However, the regional administrative court reversed the shooting ordinance that had been issued because the bear had cubs.

So Gaia was captured, radio-collared, and released.

The battery of the transmitter, which was supposed to determine the whereabouts of the animal, is now empty.

After the death of a jogger in Italy: the bear Gaia is hunted

Numerous forest officials are now combing the area where the 26-year-old's body was discovered in an attempt to capture Gaia.

Regional President Maurizio Fugatti had already instructed on Saturday (April 9) that the bear should be killed.

The hunt will be “carried out safely and in compliance with established procedures”, Paolo Zanghellini, head of the Trentino forest team, assured


Meanwhile, great sadness continues in the Val di Sole valley.

The funeral service for Andrea Papi was held in Caldes on Wednesday (April 12), the Italian newspaper wrote.

All 13 communities held a minute's silence for the 26-year-old.

Most recently, the mother of the killed jogger was "angry and outraged".


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