The Limited Times

Pensions: new violent clashes between police and demonstrators

4/13/2023, 6:12:07 PM

STORY - The very clear decline of the mobilization went hand in hand with violent actions... and of course symbolic.

Was the 12th day of protest against the pension reform on Thursday the final stand for opponents of the government's flagship project?

On the eve of the decision, which could not be more scrutinized, of the Constitutional Council, the Intersyndicale threw its last forces into the battle to try to influence the work of the Elders.

To discover

  • LIVE - Pension reform: follow the 12th day of mobilization

If the CGT claimed 400,000 demonstrators in Paris, the social movement shows signs of fatigue, even wear.

The police headquarters, it has also advanced the figure of 42,000 protesters.

An estimate ten times lower than that of the union.

Similarly, the data from the police or the centrals, in several large cities, were the weakest since the start of the dispute in January.

Throughout the territory, the strikers did not show a show of force either.

And in particular within the National Education where the ministry only identified about 5% among teachers.

Two hours of clashes

A very clear reflux of…

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