The Limited Times

Police ban Palestinian rallies in Berlin

4/13/2023, 7:18:24 PM

Incidents at a Palestinian rally on Holy Saturday have sparked outrage. Now there should be rallies again. But the police believe the danger is too great.

Incidents at a Palestinian rally on Holy Saturday have sparked outrage.

Now there should be rallies again.

But the police believe the danger is too great.

Berlin - The Berlin police have banned two pro-Palestinian rallies planned for the weekend.

There is a risk that the gatherings will result in inflammatory or anti-Semitic exclamations, glorification of violence or acts of violence, said the police as the gathering authority on Thursday.

It was said that this assessment was also based on experience in recent years and in the more recent past.

The ban applies to a rally on Saturday on Hermannplatz and a demonstration on Sunday through Neukölln to mark the "Day of Palestinian Prisoners" in Israeli prisons.

Any replacement events until April 16 are also prohibited, the police said.

The organizers can appeal against the decision.

Even if the ban should last, the police want to be on site with numerous emergency services to prevent possible gatherings of demonstrators and to enforce the ban.

The Berlin police were recently criticized for failing to stop a Palestinian demonstration on Holy Saturday.

According to observers, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slogans were shouted.

According to the organization democ, video material from the rally in Neukölln and Kreuzberg was posted online.

Several people filed complaints.

According to their own statements, the police have so far been investigating a specific case on suspicion of incitement to hatred.

Police recordings and other videos of the event would be evaluated and checked again by interpreters, it said.

Police President Barbara Slowik wants to provide more information on this and on the gatherings that are now banned at the weekend this Friday (1 p.m.) at a press conference, as it was said on Thursday.

After the events on Holy Saturday, there were calls for a ban on the upcoming rallies.

"From our point of view, actively controlled crimes can again be expected from the gathering," said the deputy federal chairman of the police union (GdP) Sven Hüber to the editorial network Germany (RND).

He was referring in particular to the demonstration scheduled for Sunday, which the Palestinian network Samidoun is calling for online.

"Against this background, this association must not be given the opportunity to propagate misanthropy," said Hüber.

According to security circles, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution assesses the group as anti-Israel and close to the radical Palestinian organization PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).

Samidoun is said to have been involved in the demonstration on Holy Saturday.


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