The Limited Times

"Hezbollah is under pressure and baring its teeth": the organization has increased the collection on the navy, the threat to the rigs is increasing - voila! news

4/14/2023, 5:00:23 PM

The terrorist organization established an alliance with Iran and the Palestinian factions in order to coordinate operations against Israel in several arenas - as has occurred in recent weeks. Hezbollah has armed itself with advanced weapons, transferred from Iran and Syria, including coastal missiles that pose a real threat to rigs and ships. "This is what escalation looks like."

Dozens of missiles were launched into the Western Galilee from Lebanon.

April 6, 2023 (according to Article 27A of the Copyright Law)

A senior security official spoke to Walla today (Friday) and claimed that Hezbollah's arsenal of weapons, which also includes coastal missiles that can threaten missile ships and rigs, indicates the organization's success in transferring advanced weapons from Iran and Syria to Lebanon.

Meanwhile, the source explains, this indicates the strengthening of the organization in general.

This publication joins several worrying processes in the security system, including the disclosure of a joint military plan for Iran, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian factions in order to coordinate actions against Israel in several arenas, as has occurred in recent weeks. Also, the increase in Hezbollah's open naval collection of Israeli targets, among them Ships, rigs and infrastructure along the coast. "Hezbollah is under pressure and that is why it is baring its teeth.

In other words, this is what escalation looks like," the source said.

Joint military operation for Iran, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian factions (Photo: Flash 90, Eyal Margolin)

The source also adds that in the most recent assessment of the situation, Defense Minister Yoav Galant was presented with Hezbollah's effort, with Iranian-Syrian backing, to obtain advanced weapons for the naval arena.

This, alongside their effort to also obtain surface-to-air missiles in order to threaten the IDF's missile ships and aircraft.

One of Hezbollah's main goals is to get its hands on the Russian-made Hikhont missile system located in Syria. This effort was previously exposed by the IDF , but now sources in the security system claim that the changes in the Middle East and the rapprochement between Iran and Russia could make this possible.

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It should be noted that in the past month the IDF has increased its maritime collection missions in several dimensions, including sorties for the purpose of collecting on Hezbollah's activities in the maritime arena. This is against the background of the fear of an attack in the maritime space by Hezbollah or the Palestinian terrorist organizations that operate from Lebanon in several formations: divers, vessels or short-range missiles. These processes add up to AMAN's assessment that the State of Israel is closer to war than to peace.

  • news

  • Army and security


  • Hezbollah

  • Iran

  • Palestinians