The Limited Times

“Community should not even be a subject”: Myriam Seurat defends “The night of Ramadan”

4/14/2023, 4:12:55 PM

FIGARO LIVE – Guest of “Buzz TV”, the host takes a stand and warns about the amalgams linked to her show dedicated to the Muslim religion.

For seventeen years, Myriam Seurat has been sailing through the programs of France Télévisions.

First in musical or escape programs, "Motus" alongside Thierry Beccaro, before joining the teams of "Télématin" and the weather service.

This Friday, it is “The night of Ramadan” which makes its news.

An entertainment that will be broadcast twice.

Initially on France 2, Wednesday April 19 at 11:55 p.m. followed by Friday April 21 at 9 p.m. on Culturebox.

“I have taken great pleasure in presenting this program open to the cultures of the world for twelve years.

Our programming is super original, we're not used to seeing that on a national channel

,” she says.

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For this 32nd edition, Myriam Seurat shares the animation with Zohra Ben Miloud, journalist of the morning of franceinfo.

In what she describes as a

"pretty melting pot where everyone feeds on the culture of the other"

, the pair was an idea of ​​​​France Télévisions.

During the show, the one who replaced Frédéric Mitterrand, former presenter of "La nuit du Ramadan", interacts with artists like Chimène Badi or Charlie Winston as well as chefs.

Facing her, the journalist from channel 27 interviews personalities who share their Ramadan commitments and values.

“Thanks to Zohra, there is another rhythm and another tone.

We are complementary and it is very rewarding, ”

says the host.

If Zohra Ben Miloud is of Muslim faith, Myriam Seurat claims to be an atheist.

"It's not antinomic to present 'La nuit du Ramadan' without being Muslim,"

she says before comparing herself

"to tennis commentators who are not all players"


The host salutes the freedom of spirit of the public service but recalls that

"the broadcasting of religious programs is inscribed in a charter"


“Setting up these appointments is even the law”

, she underlines before ensuring that

“each viewer needs to recognize themselves in the group's programming when they turn on their set


In the era of a society that is turning towards community withdrawal, Myriam Seurat reaffirms the need to advocate these programs.

A way to demonstrate that communitarianism

"is an anecdote and should not be a subject"


"When I present 'La nuit du Ramadan', I don't feel this notion of withdrawal, on the contrary"

she concludes.

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In addition to this entertainment, the host also confides in her second cap as presenter of the “Journal Météo Climat”.

Faced with global warming, Myriam Seurat assures us that there is

“hope provided that the advice of the IPCC is immediately applied”.

This mother of young adults, including the eldest at 23, reacted to the comments of her colleague Sébastien Thomas.

Guest of "Buzz TV" last Wednesday, the new face of the weather forecast for France TV wondered

"if he had been right to have children".

"I understand his concern, I share it even if in my time, global warming was not at the same stage"

, before reiterating, optimistically, that we can reverse the trend.