The Limited Times

Brian Sarmiento did not hold anything back and recounted the intimacy of the day Teo Gutiérrez pulled out a weapon in the Racing locker room

4/14/2023, 8:48:38 PM

The former Academy player was present that day in the locker room and recounted in detail the fight between the Colombian and Sebastián Saja.

On the eve of the Avellaneda classic, where




will face each other,

Brian Sarmiento , a participant in the

“Son aviones”


, recounted his experience in the classic when he wore the


shirt and revealed details of the controversial episode that took place with the Colombian striker 

Teófilo Gutiérrez

when he pulled out a weapon in the locker room.

That April 14, 2012, the Colombian played his last game in



Teo was the protagonist of several events on that occasion.

First, he scored a goal and put Racing ahead, but he too was sent off and the team led by

Alfio Coco Basile

ended up losing 4-1.

Sarmiento, now far from playing professional soccer, was asked by

Agustín Fantasia

, host of the program, if he had participated in any Avellaneda classic.

Yes, play the one with Teo's prickly pear”, answered the former Newell's player.

Brian Sarmiento played just 5 games with the Racing shirt.

With 20 minutes to go, the former River player was sent off and, added to the expulsion of Bruno Zuculini, left his team with two fewer players.

Sebastián Saja was, at that time, a reference and captain of the Academy.

"The game ends and El Chino (Saja) was saying 'come in, come in and don't let any leader come in,'"

denoting his anger.

And then he began to explain what the scenario was like prior to that duel: “It went to the fourth date and we lost the first three.

Coco came and said that if we lost the classic he would leave, ”he explained.

“El Chino comes and he began to take off his gloves.

"The party is over, you son of a thousand whores, I'm going to kill you," he told him.

He invited him to fight three times and he did not want to stop, so he slapped him

, ”Sarmiento recalled.

And he continued:

"'You are not going to stop, oh you are not going to stop' and he slapped him and a half that we separated them. Teo jumps, from behind, with a flying kick, like Jackie Chan. He hits him half glancingly to Saja and he falls to the ground. We kicked him a couple of times for shit, he stops and that's when he takes out the prickly pear. He takes it out of the backpack like this and says 'come now faggot' and I had it half a meter away”.

The unexpected reaction of Lucas Aveldaño

In turn, he revealed, for the first time, a detail that was unknown.

It turns out that Lucas Aveldaño, a defender who is currently 37 years old and works in the Spanish promotion, had a reckless reaction.

“Aveldaño, who is sick, would kill you and I see that he sits down, takes off his boots and stands in front of him.

"Shoot away, because if he doesn't, I'll break everything for you," he told him.

This episode was talked about for years.

Either in the mouth of Teófilo Gutiérrez, Coco Basile or a protagonist who has revealed some information, but, without a doubt, Brian Sarmiento's story did not skimp on details.

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