The Limited Times

New price battle? Aldi waives margin to lower prices for vegetables and fruit

4/14/2023, 6:48:42 PM

Aldi Nord wants to “massively” reduce the prices for fruit and vegetables. In addition, the discounter is now advertising certain items with promises of low prices.

Aldi Nord wants to “massively” reduce the prices for fruit and vegetables.

In addition, the discounter is now advertising certain items with promises of low prices.

Essen – While consumer inflation eased somewhat overall in March according to the Federal Statistical Office, food prices are continuing to rise.

Dairy products and eggs, for example, became significantly more expensive

(up 34.6 percent) and vegetables

(plus 27.3 percent) and individual products such as sugar

(up 70.9 percent).

Aldi Nord's announcement should please some consumers these days: "We made a conscious decision to forgo margins in order to provide our customers with the best possible support in these difficult times," explains managing director Lars Kürten in a press release.

For this reason, his company focuses on fruit and vegetable items, Kürten continues.

Price reductions for fruit and vegetables: Aldi foregoes margins in favor of consumers

Fruit and vegetables are the focus of a marketing campaign that Aldi Nord is currently running together with Aldi Süd on all social media channels, in stores, on the radio and online (starting Saturday, April 15).

The common motto for the special offers is: "Fresh every day, always cheap".

Aldi Nord in particular is spending a lot of money on the price campaign, writes the



Exactly how much is difficult to quantify, however, because purchase prices have fluctuated.

The retailer is now permanently putting vine tomatoes on the shelves at EUR 2.99 – this variety previously cost EUR 3.49.

Cucumbers would be reduced to a promotional price of 55 cents.

Bananas are available for 1.29 euros.

Whether the discounter's marketing trick or not.

Consumers will be pleased with this pricing policy, because cucumber prices have recently caused a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Decreasing prices for fruit and vegetables in the first week (from Monday 17 April):

  • Zucchini

    unpackaged (kilo goods) 0.99 euros

  • Table grapes

    light (500 grams) are available for 1.29 euros

  • Braeburn apples

    , 1 kg pack from 1.29 euros to 0.99 euros (-23 percent)

  • Bunch of spring onions

    from 0.69 euros to 0.49 euros (-28 percent)

  • Passion fruit

    , per piece from 0.79 euros to 0.69 euros (-12 percent)

  • Strawberries NATUR Lieblinge

    , 500 g from 1.99 euros to 1.79 euros (-10 percent)

  • Mango from NATUR Lieblinge

    from 1.49 euros to 0.99 euros (-33 percent)

  • Grapefruit

    , per piece from 0.59 euros to 0.49 euros (-16 percent)

  • Source:

    Aldi North

Consumers should immediately notice the massive price reduction.

In most Aldi branches, fruit and vegetables are now located directly in the entrance area – similar to the direct discounter competitor Lidl.

So far, nothing is known about how long the discounter's promise of low prices will apply.

Just this much: Aldi speaks of a “permanent price reduction” and wants to continue to inform customers about it on all advertising channels.

The success of the discounter should be certain.

Consumers are happy to be offered "something fresh again at last" at a bargain price, like this Lidl customer: A cucumber for 77 cents was an unexpected blessing for him.

But not only fruit and vegetables are now cheaper for consumers.

As early as February, some supermarkets are making cuts in coffee prices.

Butter is now cheaper for consumers than it has been for a long time.

Aldi is now opening the next round of the price war with its price drop for fruit and vegetables.