The Limited Times

On the brink of the abyss, Cristina Kirchner revives the operative clamor to order the candidacies

4/14/2023, 5:24:51 PM

While feeding the mystery about his candidacy, he let it be known that he will not withdraw from the political fight and seeks to have centrality in the construction of the electoral strategy. K's fear of being third at the polls and the details of the act of May 25.


There are many of us who ask her to be a candidate, but whoever says that Cristina plays or does not play is lying because only she knows what she wants to do: when she chose Alberto (Fernández) we found out through the networks and she even made a book and nobody knew

." One of the Kirchnerist leaders who in recent days accelerated the operative outcry to

"defeat the (supposed) judicial proscription"

and that in this way the vice president agrees to lead the Frente de Todos formula, admits to Clarín the

confusion that crosses the toughest sector of the ruling party


There is no certainty of his will and this worries, especially, those who observe the polls and warn that the hard core of voters would disperse and make the electoral floor fall even further, even to the point of being relegated to third place, a scenario that some consultants - at least two that in reserve measure for the Government - already detect in the most recent polls.

The strategy of Kirchnerism, which does emerge from the recent movements of the vice president, has to do with marking the centrality that it will have in the definition of the formula.

She let it go, Cristina, when she allowed the unionists who visited her on Wednesday in the Senate to reproduce a phrase that, despite the extreme secrecy with which she usually controls those meetings, they say that she came out of her mouth.


Those who are thinking that I am going to dedicate myself to taking care of the grandchildren, they better forget


she said, as revealed by Hugo Yasky

, head of the Autonomous CTA, in an interview with El Destape.

Something similar, although making the words of the vice president her own, had been raised a while before by the mayor of Ensenada, Mario Secco, a fervent ultra-Kirchnerist and in direct dialogue with the head of the Senate: "She has no intention of going to take care of

her grandchildren to the house, do not dream of a retired Cristina


But the one who embodied K's intention bluntly and with surgical precision was

Axel Kicillof

, the main speaker

at the event in the Courts

and the only one who, despite his resistance to leaving the province of Buenos Aires, can guarantee a transfer with few leaks of the vice president's votes.

"Without a doubt it has to be at the forefront of the national electoral strategy, it is ridiculous that it is otherwise," the Buenos Aires governor told AM 750.

In this K need for there to be no discussions about the centrality of the vice in the election, anger against

Alberto Fernández

is noted for his insistence on leaving open the possibility of being re-elected.

This leads to the fact that, despite the fact that his power appears diluted, due to his condition as President, he bogs down that natural alignment that, in the opinion of Kirchnerism, should occur around the figure of Cristina.

So much effort by Kicillof and company can also be interpreted around the absences that were registered in the mobilization to Courts against the Supreme Court of Justice and the judges for the alleged proscription of Cristina.

In Kirchnerism they took note that, among those present at the call promoted by the so-called "Mesa de Ensenada", the majority of leaders who in 2017 were part of Unidad Ciudadana, the seal that the vice president used to support the candidacy for senator when the Justicialista Party aligned with Florencio Randazzo.

Six years later, a scene occurred that generated alarm:

the priests of the CGT, weight unions and social movements were not present at the event


Neither did the bulk of the suburban mayors, who took advantage of the fact that the head of the Buenos Aires PJ,

Máximo Kirchner

, had anticipated that he would not go (Note: he claimed a commitment in Monte Hermoso) and massively hit the foul, despite the invitations extended by Kicillof .

"Going with an agenda that doesn't have much to do with what happens to people doesn't make much sense.

There is a group that wants to overreact in front of it, we don't need it

," one of the mayors explained to this newspaper who did not it was from the game

Only an active Cristina can assure Kirchnerism that what this Thursday was a circumstance becomes an anticipated discussion for power.

This concern arises from the latest polls received in the ruling party and place the libertarian Javier Milei surpassing the eventual K contenders that Cristina may eventually anoint if she is not a candidate.

"If you come out third, you are forced to start a new stage," analyzes a Peronist leader who, in any case, trusts that Cristina "will be on the ballot" and thus win her votes.

With this same sense, it points to the act of next May 25 in July 9 that Kirchnerism is preparing for July 9, to remember Néstor Kirchner two decades after his inauguration as President.

There Cristina, as keynote speaker, is expected to define his application.

"At no time did he say, 'boys, forgive me, think of me for another place, but not in the Presidency.' I think it's smart that he leaves all options open," Yasky whitened.