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Seismic activity increases in Nevado del Ruiz and the Government presents evacuation routes

4/14/2023, 11:24:35 PM

The UNGRD shows the plans arranged for the four municipalities closest to the volcano in case of an emergency

Seismic activity in the Nevado del Ruiz volcano increased throughout Thursday and this Friday morning, according to a bulletin issued by the National Geological Service (SGN).

According to the information, the movements associated with rock fracturing were greater compared to those that occurred in the previous days.

This activity, characterized by small earthquakes that occurred in the Arenas crater of the volcano, is related to the activity of a lava dome (a mound that forms when the lava that reaches the surface cannot flow easily due to its viscosity) located at the bottom of the crater.

In addition, the seismicity caused by the movement of fluids in the volcanic conduits also intensified.

It is directly related to the emission of ash, which has been continuous in the last few hours.

The output of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere has maintained levels similar to those reported on Thursday morning.

The Geological Service insists on the instability of the Ruiz, and explains that parameters such as the seismicity related to the activity of the lava dome, the continuous emission of ash and the thermal anomalies that occurred in the bottom of the crater indicate that the activity of the volcano is greater than the one that was in previous weeks.

The orange level of alert for the activity of the volcano, which was activated on March 31 for the first time in 11 years, and which indicates that there is likely to be an eruption in a matter of days or weeks, is still active and will not change anytime soon.

The return to a yellow level depends on the observation of trends and behaviors that allow us to conclude that Ruiz's activity has decreased, as has the risk.

In the event that a change to red level is declared, it will mean that the eruption is imminent or that one is already underway.

The Government presents the evacuation routes

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) presented the evacuation routes that it has arranged for municipalities that are in a high-risk area, that is, 15 kilometers from Ruiz.

They are Villamaría (Caldas), Casabianca, Herveo and Villahermosa (Tolima).

For the Caldas municipality, in the upper part of the mountain, there is the Condor route, which ends at the Los Pirineos path, while for the lower area the route is through El Destierro, which leads to the Viejo Rioclaro path.

In Casabianca, a heliport has been arranged for the paths of Aguascalientes and Mesetas, in the upper part of the mountain, while the evacuation route through the lower area leads to El Lembo, after passing through El Cardal and El Coral.

In the riverside areas, the route passes through La Joya, Oronazo, Cristalina, San Ignacio and Palmera, and leads to a hostel in La Esperanza.

In Herveo the evacuation for the páramo areas is towards the paths of La Palma and Angulo E. The meeting point is Laguna Negra.

For Murillo, the route is on the town's main road, which leads to La Cabaña.

In Villahermosa, in the area closest to the Arenas crater, the route leads from the villages of Guayabal, Siberia and La Samaria towards the town center, whose meeting point is La Samaria, where there is a piece of land that can function as a heliport.

The UNGRD recalls that, in addition to the four mentioned municipalities, there are other populations that are also at risk from a possible eruption of the volcano.

In Caldas they are Anserma, Chinchiná, Manizales, Neira and Palestina.

In Cundinamarca, Guaduas.

In Risaralda, Santa Rosa de Cabal.

And in Tolima, Ambalema, Armero, Falan, Fresno, Honda, Lérida, Líbano, Palocabildo, San Sebastián de Mariquita and Venadillo.

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