The Limited Times

The extraordinary night openings of the Vatican Museums are back

4/14/2023, 12:00:29 PM

The extraordinary night openings of the Vatican Museums are starting again. From today to 28 October 2023, the Pope's Museums extend their opening hours every Friday and Saturday until 10.30 pm (last admission at 8.30 pm). (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VATICAN CITY, APRIL 14 - The extraordinary night openings of the Vatican Museums are starting up again.

From today to 28 October 2023, the Pope's Museums are extending their opening hours every Friday and Saturday until 10.30 pm (last admission at 8.30 pm).

From 6 May, the closing time on Saturdays will instead be at 20.00 (last admission at 18.00). An appointment, that of the Notturni, which has by now become a custom greatly appreciated by those who wish to live a visiting experience immersed in the quiet and evocative nocturnal atmosphere.

   The splendid corridor of the Braccio Nuovo will be the setting for tonight's first appointment where, starting at 20.00, the Band of the Gendarmerie Corps of the Vatican City State will perform together with the National Band of the Guardia di Finanza.

Among the famous Greek and Roman sculptures of the Gregoriano Profane Museum, the young talents of the Santa Cecilia Conservatories of Rome and Jacopo Tomadini of Udine will exhibit.

    All musical performances are included in the normal ticket price.

"There is nothing more surprising - comments Barbara Jatta, director of the Vatican Museums - than to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Vatican collections illuminated by the moon that looks out behind the dome of St. Peter's Basilica. And all this will be possible thanks to the Museums in the evening, the initiative with which the Museums renew their season of extraordinary openings, also in this 2023. The arts in dialogue with each other, the doors open to the hearts and eyes of those who are in Rome and who want to enjoy a unique and unforgettable experience".

The complete concert program and any information on the other proposals can be consulted on the official website