The Limited Times

The keys to understanding why nuclear power is on hold

4/14/2023, 4:24:27 AM

DECRYPTION - Despite the late change of doctrine on nuclear power, Emmanuel Macron will find it difficult to make up for the time lost by himself and his predecessors.

1. The report that curries

“This story is that of the falling asleep of a nation which has forgotten to think about its power and its global role, cowering on its internal market and electoral strategies”, writes the deputy LR Raphaël Schellenberger, president of the commission

of inquiry into energy sovereignty.

Parliament has therefore played its role, but a little late.

The five-year terms of Lionel Jospin and François Hollande come out in tatters, each time because of alliances concluded with the Greens.

Their anti-nuclear ultimatums got the better of the good ecological sense of the Socialist Party which had been able to serve the industrial and energy interests of the country in the Mitterrand years.

But, beyond that, it is necessary to underline the effectiveness of the antinuclear ones to infiltrate the commissions of experts.

The National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) is known for its anti-nuclear positions.

The energy scenarios of the Environment and Energy Management Agency (Ademe) focus on renewables...

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