The Limited Times

Why you should better wash asparagus, even if it is peeled

4/14/2023, 3:26:44 PM

White asparagus is peeled, but that doesn't mean it's better not to wash the spears under water before preparing them. 

White asparagus is peeled, but that doesn't mean it's better not to wash the spears under water before preparing them. 

What would spring be without white asparagus?

The delicious sticks are harvested until St. John's Day and eaten preferably together with potatoes and butter or hollandaise sauce.

But you should also wash white asparagus before preparation.

Why you should better wash asparagus, even if it is peeled


White asparagus has to be peeled before it can be eaten.

© Gudrun Krebs/Imago

Asparagus is healthy, delicious and has a dehydrating effect.

In Germany, white asparagus is more popular than its green counterpart.

However, most people who prepare white asparagus simply peel them without washing them first.

And if the asparagus is cooked in the classic way, that's no problem either.

However, if you use it in salads, marinated dishes or if it is only briefly heated in a sauce, it is better to wash it beforehand, as bacteria, viruses and pesticide residues can be found on the asparagus head, which is not peeled.

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When washing, do the following:

  • Peel the asparagus as usual, leaving out the head section.

  • Wash the peeled asparagus thoroughly under lukewarm water.

  • Drain in a colander and pat dry with kitchen paper if necessary.

  • If you do not prepare the asparagus straight away, you can also store it in the refrigerator in a damp kitchen towel.

    Stored like this, it will keep for a few days.

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Incidentally, green asparagus is stored differently than white asparagus: it also stays fresh a little longer than white asparagus.

List of rubrics: © Gudrun Krebs/Imago