The Limited Times

Bullying: Moige, increased by 10%

4/15/2023, 4:30:51 PM

The tour in Lombardy of "Young Ambassadors for digital citizenship against cyberbullying and cyber risk" will start again from San Donato Milanese, and, more precisely, from the "Primo Levi" high school. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, 15 APR - The tour in Lombardy of "Young Ambassadors for digital citizenship against cyberbullying and cyber risk" will start again from San Donato Milanese, and, more precisely, from the "Primo Levi" high school.

At 9:30 on Monday 17 April, the mobile center of the Moige, Movimentoitaliano Parents, will arrive at the institute.

There are 12 stages in Lombardy of the campaign that promotes safe use of the network and aims to combat bullying, which has increased by 10%, and cyberbullying, which has grown by 8%.

    From 10 to 13 there will be three 50-minute training sessions on these issues held by Chiara Biancacci and MartaBarraco, two psychologists from the Moige anti-bullying task force.

    In the afternoon, the mobile center and Moige experts will remain in the school courtyard at the disposal of students, teachers, but also all citizens, to answer questions and offer support and advice.

From 15:00 to 16:00 there will be a direct intervention for parents at the school, to inform them on how to help their children to use the internet safely, and to raise their awareness of bullying and cyberbullying, teaching them to perceive even the small alarm bells in minors, both whether they are victims or bullies.

    According to the latest study conducted by Moige in collaboration with the Piepoli Institute, more than half of minors in Italy (54%) have suffered bullying on the web or in person.

This is a figure that has grown by as much as 10% in just 2 years.

10% of minors (+3%) have taken part in bullying episodes, 6% have used photos or videos to offend other people, and 53% (+15% compared to 2020) routinely make fun of one or more friends , saying that, however, he/they know that he does it as a joke.

When asked how companions behave when they assist a powerful person, only 34% answered "they help the victim", a figure that was 44% in 2020.

Reckless behaviors, but also strong responsibilities of social networks, which lead to a superficial assessment of the risks and which endanger our children.

    "Young Ambassadors for digital citizenship against cyberbullying and cyber risk" is the Moige campaign, supported by Enel Cuore Onlus, in collaboration with the State Police, Anci, the national association of Italian municipalities, a blue knot of the Ministry of Education, Coni and the Cariplo Foundation, to make students more aware of the risks of the internet, empower them, and stimulate teachers and parents to have a more active role of guidance and control.

This seventh edition involves 300 schools, around 75,000 pupils, over 2,000 teachers and 150,000 parents nationwide.
