The Limited Times

Maddie McCann case: DNA tests deny the claims of a young German

4/15/2023, 1:18:48 PM

Julia Faustyna Wendell claimed to be Maddie McCann, who disappeared in 2007 at the age of 4. The German has apologized to the parents of the missing girl.

The 21-year-old claimed on social media to be Madeleine McCann, who disappeared on May 3, 2007, while vacationing with her family in Praia da Luz, a seaside resort in the Algarve region of Portugal. .

This statement had caused a sensation in this case of international scope, with multiple twists and turns, and still unresolved.

But doubts quickly accumulated around Julia Faustyna Wendel's assertion, which turned out to be unfounded, and above all, which has just been contradicted by the DNA tests to which the family of little Madeleine had agreed to submit. .

And as

Le Parisien

reports , the young woman living in Poland apologized on social networks for her false testimony following the results of the genetic analysis.

It was not my intention to bring sadness or any other negative emotion to anyone, especially McCann's family,

” she wrote, returning to her first claims that hit the headlines. chronic.

I never said I was Madeleine McCann.

(…) It's my fault, I know it and I apologize, I should have said

'Am I Madeleine McCann?'

and not

'I am'


Psychiatric disorders

Several days after her first statements in February, Julia's family had decided to speak on the Facebook page of a Polish association which searches for missing persons.

They claimed that the young woman had grown well with them, denying her statements.

It is obvious to us that Julia is our daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece, cousin and daughter-in-law.


Read also“I felt no guilt”: in the spiral of mythomania

This same family also claimed that Julia Faustyna Wendel suffered from psychiatric disorders, which she had refused to treat, despite “

many therapies, medications, psychologists and psychiatrists


The statement added that her family members “

always tried to help this young woman who dreamed of being a singer, model and popular to get back on her feet


“Devastated by the current situation”

, her parents said they were worried for their daughter:

“The internet does not forget, and it is obvious that Julia is not Maddie.”

Above all, the young woman would not be her first lie of this kind.

Even though she was invited on television sets to discuss her false claims, the young woman had already posed as Inga Gehricke, a young German girl who disappeared in 2015, for Acacia Bishop, a 19-month-old baby. disappeared in 2003 in the United States and more recently for Livia Schepp, who disappeared aged 6 in 2011, according to the

Daily Mail
