The Limited Times

A 12-year-old boy dies after being hit by a ball at a school in Sestao

4/17/2023, 5:19:38 PM

The minor was playing with his friends and went into cardiorespiratory arrest after suffering the impact of the ball

Image of the courtyard of the La Salle school in Sestao (Bizkaia), where the event occurred. Kristau Eskola

A 12-year-old boy died on Sunday afternoon after being hit by a ball while playing with his friends in the schoolyard of La Salle de Sestao (Bizkaia).

The minor, of Senegalese origin, was on the sports court of the school when he received the impact of the ball.

The mayoress of the town, Ainhoa ​​Basabe, has explained to the media that the children who were in the place have told that the shot "was not strong and that the child must have been eating at that moment".

After being hit by the ball, she added the councilor, "he began to lean and went into cardiorespiratory arrest."

The Ertzaintza, which has been in charge of the report, has reported that the child died in an accident suffered on the street, without specifying that the events occurred within the school grounds, and that the circumstances in which the death occurred are being investigated .

Sanitary workers and police patrols went to the place and tried to save his life, but he finally died around half past eight in the evening.

Psychologists from the Basque Health Service-Osakidetza also attended the scene of the events to attend to relatives of the deceased minor.

"The police and the ambulance arrived very quickly, in three minutes, and a defibrillator from the school itself was also used, but it was not possible to revive him," said the mayoress.

The school, located in the center of the municipality, has usually kept its patio open during the weekends for years so that anyone who wishes can enjoy its facilities, even if they are people from outside the school.

The mayor has affirmed that "all human loss is painful, but when the person who leaves is so young, the pain is greater, it is terrible."

The City Council will contact the family of the deceased minor to make itself available to them and offer them psychological help.

The minor was studying sixth grade at the Vista Alegre public school, also in Sestao, whose management has commented that this morning they have been informing the other students at the center of what happened and that they lacked more information about it.

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