The Limited Times

With this net salary, one is considered “poor” in Germany – are you one of them?

4/17/2023, 1:50:41 PM

As energy costs and food prices continue to soar, many citizens are nearing the poverty line. Could you soon be one of those affected?

As energy costs and food prices continue to soar, many citizens are nearing the poverty line.

Could you soon be one of those affected?

Prices go up, but income doesn't.

For many people in Germany, shopping is becoming less and less fun - while the feeling of having to count every euro is constantly growing.

Then the energy prices will also roll over and how all this will continue can hardly be imagined by a consumer.

Anyone who studies in Germany or is a single parent and can therefore only work part-time is already at risk of poverty.

Is the poverty line approaching for others too?

On the verge of poverty: the Federal Statistical Office publishes precise figures

One fact first: According to

, it is not specified from when one is considered “poor” in this country.

RUHR24 also reports on this in detail.

The Federal Statistical Office provides the latest figures - but only for the year 2021. The volatile following year still has to be evaluated.

In any case, in 2021 the following applies: “The threshold for a person living alone [is] 1,148 euros net per month, including salaries and social benefits,” according to the portal.

Depending on the federal state, there are also certain differences - "in Baden-Württemberg, for example, the poverty line (2021) is 1,220 euros and thus around 200 euros higher than in Thuringia," according to the Federal Statistical Office.

Of course, it's as clear as pie that anyone with an income like that, or even less, should save every penny to get through the month.

With our

Energy-saving tips, but that's child's play - at least as far as the electricity bill is concerned.

Check out this post on Instagram

A post shared by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) (@statistisches.bundesamt)

Percentage of poor increased significantly - Institute comments on the situation in Germany

"However, there are various methods for the exact calculation of the income limits," says the report of the Federal Statistical Office.

The number of people living in the household is decisive for calculating the exact poverty line.

Find out here what options there are with citizen income, price controls and home office flat rates to top up financially - the legislator has come up with something for this.

"In Germany, the proportion of poor people has increased significantly in the last decade," says the report of the Institute for Economic and Social Sciences in 2022. The trend is rising.

"The poor have to do without everyday goods, for example, they live in smaller living spaces or their health is poorer." For example, in Mannheim there will be a lack of around 17,000 new apartments by 2040.

According to the institute, this should also lead to poor people having significantly less trust in the actions of political actors. 

Poverty in Germany has increased significantly - according to the institute, this has to happen for the situation to improve

The Institute for Economic and Social Sciences assumes that the high inflation resulting from the Ukraine war will significantly exacerbate poverty in Germany.

The institute's proposed solution: "In order to improve the situation of poor households, but also to strengthen trust in our democratic system, targeted political measures are required.

This includes, in particular, the promotion of jobs subject to social security contributions and the increase in the standard rates for basic security.”

"Furthermore, equal opportunities in society must be reduced through forward-looking, planned and socially designed public housing and the reduction of educational inequalities," the report of the Institute for Economic and Social Sciences continues.

Sounds good doesn't it?

"Just" needs to be implemented.

The city of Heidelberg is starting a trial and promising affordable housing.


List of rubrics: © IMAGO/Michael Gstettenbauer

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