The Limited Times

Meloni: 'Let's focus on women's work and incentives for children'

4/18/2023, 12:50:25 PM

'A framework law is coming to defend Made in Italy. In the coming weeks we will make a link to the manoeuvre'. The premier at the Salone del Mobile for the inauguration (ANSA)

The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, is at the Fiera di Milano Rho-Pero for

the inauguration of the Salone del mobile.

To welcome her, Maria Porro, the president of the Salone del mobile, and Claudio Feltrin, president of FederlegnoArredo.

"The Salone del Mobile is a showcase of Italian excellence in the world", Meloni said again.

"For too many years there has been no investment in the birth rate," said the prime minister speaking on the sidelines of the visit.

"In Italy we have a problem with the stability of the economic and social system, we have not invested in the birth rate".

Meloni: 'Reconciling the EU theme with national interests'

"In Italy there are more and more people to support and fewer and fewer people to work, this problem is solved in various ways: the way the government works is not only that of the migrants, but also that of the large unused reserve that is the


Bringing it to the European average and focusing on demographics, with

incentives on the part of families


bring children into the world


, said the premier.


"There are many things that need to be encouraged and we are working on it starting from a future link to the budget that will arrive in the CDM precisely on the issue of supporting excellence".

"Which is made up of some key points, ranging from support to SMEs, to defending the brand up to training", he concluded.

"That of the President of the Republic is a call that we all understand. We need to reconcile the theme of Europe with the defense of national interests, and Italy with the current government is trying to do it in the best possible way. We need to look for synergies because strengthening the Italian national interest also means strengthening a framework of European strategic autonomy". 

"Today the real problem of Europe, in which Europe wakes up, is a lack of strategic autonomy. We woke up that we are no longer masters of our destiny. Today we face it. It is an open debate. Someone put the problem a few years ago, and he was defined as a dangerous sovereignist. It is a central issue on which strengthening our strategic capacity is fundamental".

Thus the premier Giorgia Meloni, arriving at the Salone del Mobile in Milan.

After answering some current affairs questions, the Prime Minister jokingly addressed the journalists: "Aren't you interested in the Salone del Mobile?".

"With Covid, the house, the furniture, have become a piece of our identity, much more than simply our refuge. It is something we share with others, they define our character, our personality, and well-being and beauty is the basis of any form of health. There are many important things that need to be encouraged and we are working on it".  


brand is the most precious thing we have

, as long as we are able to defend and enhance it - said Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni -. In the coming weeks we will make

a link to the maneuver to enhance the brand

, a framework law that focuses on three pillars: the merciless fight against counterfeiting and unfair competition, financial tools to help SMEs grow in sectors of excellence, and training and expertise".

"We are working with the ministries to design a framework that makes the wood sector independent, combining environmental and economic sustainability

. We want to aim for a 100% made in Italy wood-furniture supply chain


ANSA. it

The Salone del Mobile is underway, 2000 exhibitors from 37 countries - Lifestyle

The premier welcomed at the Fair by Porro and Feltrin.

Difficulty in finding labor by sector (ANSA)