The Limited Times

A CDM on May 1st to cut the wedge

4/21/2023, 8:29:05 PM

Work is underway to convene ministers on Workers' Day to approve the decree with the newly announced cut in the tax wedge. On the table also precarious workers and basic income. Scrapping-quater: the new deadline for applications passes from April 30 to June 30 (ANSA)

He had already anticipated it to the ministers at the last Council of Ministers: the next meeting will be held "on May 1st".

It is the signal that Giorgia Meloni aims to give the government's attention to the world of work, with the launch of a decree law, a work decree, which, in all likelihood, will strengthen the payroll of low-income employees with a

n new cut in the tax wedge.

The idea, they say, came from the prime minister: to bring together the ministers on Labor Day, a unicum at least in recent years, is a "symbolic" gesture, the executive repeats, which "clearly" marks the running direction.

Which will be staged while the unions will be busy in Potenza and with the traditional big concert in Piazza San Giovanni in Rome.

On the plate there are just under three and a half billion, the 'treasure' brought by the new estimates of GDP and deficit contained in the Def.

Once authorized by Parliament - the vote of the resolutions with an absolute majority is expected on 27 April - the government will be able to proceed with the decree law which should add a further point of reduction of contributions which "brings us closer to the legislative objective of a cut 5 points", as Marina Calderone recalled a few days ago.

The Minister of Labor has often been spotted at Palazzo Chigi in recent days.

Yours are also the measures being developed to correct the Dignity decree of the first Conte government and,

But above all his will be the revision of the Citizenship Income

, one of the workhorses of the centre-right government.

The agenda of the CDM has not yet been set, and the in-depth analyzes of the measures are underway, in via Veneto as well as in the Mef.

For the wedge, the idea is to intervene along the lines of what has already been done for 2023 in the maneuver, affecting payrolls probably as early as May.

Even if some adjustments to the mechanism are not excluded, which "could even be two points" for someone, as Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said in the hearing.

According to calculations by the Bank of Italy, it could lead to a cut of 200 euros a year.

But the measure should be transitory for the 8 months left between now and the end of 2023, then we'll see with the maneuver.

In the meantime, a cut of 4 points would be reached for incomes below 25 thousand euros, as observed by Confindustria which applauds the intentions but asks for more, like the unions.

On the other hand, the reform of the Citizenship Income will be less painless, on which the eyes of the opposition are also focused.

According to the latest drafts circulated, the support measure for the most vulnerable groups will be divided into three: on the one hand, the Guarantee for Inclusion (Gil), on the other, two instruments for active labor policies, the Work Accompaniment Service (Pal , transitional until the end of the year) and the Guarantee for work activation (Gal).

The amounts for the so-called "employable" will be revised downwards, who will have a maximum of 350 euros per month and will have to accept job offers for at least one month, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefit.

The decree should also remedy the regulatory hole created with the maneuver, which had canceled the crime for those who received the check unduly, with an increase in penalties for false declarations and fraud with sentences of up to 6 years in prison.

A series of other interventions are also being evaluated, from Inail protection to students engaged in the school-work path, to incentives for the hiring of NEETs under 30, up to the doubling of the deduction threshold for the contributions of cleaners and caregivers.

All measures that have to deal with the covers.

A series of other interventions are also being evaluated, from Inail protection to students engaged in the school-work path, to incentives for the hiring of NEETs under 30, up to the doubling of the deduction threshold for the contributions of cleaners and caregivers.

All measures that have to deal with the covers.

A series of other interventions are also being evaluated, from Inail protection to students engaged in the school-work path, to incentives for the hiring of NEETs under 30, up to the doubling of the deduction threshold for the contributions of cleaners and caregivers.

All measures that have to deal with the covers.

And there will be two more months to present the declarations of adhesion to the special "

Scrapping-quater" procedure of the folders,

foreseen by the 2023 budget law. The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces it in a note.

The new deadline for submitting applications to the Revenue-Collection Agency passes, in fact, from 30 April to 30 June 2023.

Consequently, the deadline by which the Revenue Agency-Collection will send the communication of the sums due for the completion of the facilitated definition to 30 September 2023 (instead of 30 June 2023) .

Finally, a forthcoming provision - the Mef says - will establish that the deadline for the payment of the first or only installment (originally set for July 31, 2023) will be postponed to October 31, 2023.

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