The Limited Times

Claude Bessy with family at the Paris Opera

4/21/2023, 7:11:15 PM

PORTRAIT – The former director of the dance school celebrated her 90th birthday at Garnier, surrounded by an areopagus of stars she formed.

During his star nomination, Serge Lifar had nicknamed Claude Bessy "The dancer in the golden line".

He had been right.

A line of gold, rather an arrow than a vine.

A beautiful physique, a well-made head, character and doing nothing by halves.

On Wednesday evening, Élisabeth Platel, who succeeded her in 2004 as head of the Paris Opera School of Dance, wanted to dedicate an exceptional evening to her to celebrate her 90th birthday at Garnier.

In front of a full house, the party was like a family gathering.

On the stage during the salutes, Claude Bessy was surrounded by Fabienne Cerutti, Carole Arbo, Yann Saïz, Christophe Duquenne, now teachers at the School of Dance, whom she trained there in her time.


(Martinez, editor’s note)


I fished him out at the Prix de Lausanne, where he had won a first prize

, ”she laughs, greeting the director of dance.

Behind this areopagus, the hundred children from the school who had just performed the

Concerto en D

choreographed by Claude Bessy...

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