The Limited Times

For the spring long weekends, 17 million Italians travel

4/21/2023, 8:10:53 AM

After the reassuring tourist result of last Easter, many Italians will also take a vacation for the long weekends of April 25 and May 1: over 17 million according to the survey by Federalberghi. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, 21 APR - After the reassuring tourist results of last Easter, many Italians will also be granted a holiday for the long weekends of April 25 and May 1: over 17 million according to the Federalberghi survey.

   In particular, there will be 9 million Italians who will travel on April 25th while 8 million and 99 thousand will travel for the bridge on May 1st.

Among those who will not go on vacation, the majority (50.8% for April 25 and 52.4% for May 1) revealed that they are not leaving for economic reasons.

18.7% of non-vacationers on 25 April and 16.5% on 1 May will leave in another period.

   "Once again we need to consider the urgent need to support a sector such as tourism, which is the driving force of the country, more and more every day" says the president of Federalberghi, Bernabò Bocca.

"It is a great achievement for the whole world of hospitality to observe the fact that the majority of travellers, in this circumstance, have considered the hotel as their preferred accommodation - adds Bocca - It is an important factor because it highlights the resilience of our sector, even in spite of the tragedy and the enormous difficulties caused by the pandemic. I would even say that we have received even more expressions of trust precisely from the Italians who continue to choose our hotels and above all Italy as their favorite destination for their holidays".

   "The current results - concludes the president of Federalberghi - suggest a good performance in view of next summer. We will be cautiously watching, setting the course with a "full speed ahead". (ANSA).

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