The Limited Times

Harry Potter or the Useless Exhibition

4/21/2023, 10:17:06 AM

CRITICAL – From April 21 to October 1, 2023, in Paris, the Salon de la Porte de Versailles in Paris is hosting the huge immersive Harry Potter exhibition. It's not very immersive. And it's pretty bad.

The Harry Potter traveling exhibition is coming to Paris, we learned in

La Gazette des Sorciers

in December.

The producers of Imagine Exhibitions promised " unparalleled

" design and technology

, "

captivating storytelling


We would see what we would see.

On the morning of the visit reserved for the press, a fortunate vocation as that of a journalist, we reread the first line of the first volume of the adventures of the myopic scarred.

Mr and Mrs Dursley, who lived at 4 Privet Drive, had always said with the greatest pride that they were perfectly normal, thank you for them.

JK Rowling's work deserves a highly technological interactive immersive exhibition.

It opens this Friday, until October 1st.

In the shed which, last month, still hosted the cows and pigs of the Agricultural Show, the journey to Hogwarts begins with an encounter with a screen.

Thanks to which we discover which house is ours: the one on which we decide to click.


Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.

We choose Slytherin because no one chooses Slytherin while a sign reminds us that "

Slytherin members can be as loyal and brave as those in Gryffindor


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