The Limited Times

In coma after beating, for aggressor 20 years and 4 months

4/21/2023, 4:05:00 PM

The mother: "The state has not left us alone" (ANSA) Twenty years and 4 months in prison: this is the sentence imposed by the Crotone investigating judge on Nicolò Passalacqua, the 23-year-old accused of attempted murder aggravated by premeditation and futile reasons for the attack on Davide Ferrerio which took place in Crotone on 11 August 2022. The 21-year-old from Bologna has been in an irreversible coma since then and is hospitalized in a facili

Twenty years and 4 months in prison: this is the sentence imposed by the Crotone investigating judge on Nicolò Passalacqua, the 23-year-old accused of attempted murder aggravated by premeditation and futile reasons for the attack on Davide Ferrerio which took place in Crotone on 11 August 2022. The 21-year-old from Bologna has been in an irreversible coma since then and is hospitalized in a facility in Bologna.

The prosecutor Pasquale Festa had asked for a 20-year sentence while the defense had requested the declassification of the crime from attempted murder to very serious injuries.

"The state has responded, it hasn't left us alone."

So the mother of Davide Ferrerio, Giusy Orlando, after the sentence of the prosecutor of Crotone who sentenced Nicolò Passalacqua to 20 years and 4 months for the attempted murder of her son.

"A little justice has been done she-she added-she.

The pain is so excruciating, inhuman, absurd that I can't think of anything else because there's nothing.

There is simply a boy, a prince because he was our little prince, whose life was unnecessarily taken.

Now there will be the trial of the principal and her partner.

I hope they too will be sentenced to an exemplary sentence."

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