The Limited Times

Planned "mobile home port" at the Trimini: it will take a while

4/21/2023, 5:23:13 PM

The permit for the construction of the large mobile home parking space at the Trimini in Kochel has still not been issued. The client speaks of "optimizations for individual parking spaces" and other changes that he has made.

The permit for the construction of the large mobile home parking space at the Trimini in Kochel has still not been issued.

The client speaks of "optimizations for individual parking spaces" and other changes that he has made.

Kochel am See - What is the actual status of the planned mobile home parking space at the Trimini in Kochel?

As reported, the Kochel municipal council approved the construction of 91 parking spaces in January 2022.

The client is “BTC Bäder- und Thermen-Consult GmbH”, which is linked to Kristall-Bäder AG, i.e. the operator of the thermal baths.

There, the project is referred to as a “mobile home port”.

First changes because of biotope

Since the municipal council gave the green light, however, there has been a lot of correspondence between the client and the district office.

This was the result of inquiries from our newspaper, because the project has not yet been approved by the district building authority.

First, the builder had to change his plans because of a biotope (we reported).

This was then removed from the project plan.

The client then spoke of the fact that there will now be "80 to 90 parking spaces".

One hopes for a building permit in the first half of 2023.

Company anticipates approval in Q2 or Q3 of 2023

But even that is dragging on now.

What has happened in the past few months?

As reported by Sabine Schmid, spokeswoman for the district office, the building application is still being processed.

Rumors were circulating in Kochel that the builder had made changes to the plans.

But the company denies that.

"Optimizations have been made to individual parking spaces and the size of green areas as well as the locations of the technical facilities," said Gerd Bittermann, CEO of Kristall-Bäder AG, when asked by our newspaper.

"We expect an approval in the second or third quarter of 2023."

The municipality of Kochel, on the other hand, is planning a renovation of Trimini-Straße - and had actually hoped that they could work hand in hand with Kristall-Bäder-AG.

Bittermann says: "The construction of the mobile home port is not significantly affected and can be done completely separately."  

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