The Limited Times

Tips to prepare a perfect dinner on your first date

4/21/2023, 4:11:12 PM

Cooking something tasty at home can be a very good idea That long-awaited moment arrives, that meeting that can start a special relationship or banish any kind of fantasies forever. We are going to experience the wonderful feeling of the first date, with all that that means. A pile of nerves and making several decisions, with the uncertainty caused by thinking if we are doing the right thing. Fr

Cooking something tasty at home can be a very good idea

That long-awaited moment arrives, that meeting that can start a special relationship or banish any kind of fantasies forever.

We are going to experience the wonderful feeling of the first date, with all that that means.

A pile of nerves and making several decisions, with the uncertainty caused by thinking if we are doing the right thing.

From thinking about “what to wear” to where it is best for us to get together to chat and get to know each other.

In this case, perhaps because of a matter of trust, we choose to have him come to our house.

We can feel safer there.

The most important thing is to enjoy the evening, with the idea of ​​having a good time.

And then, we made another decision: "I have to prepare something delicious."

It is easier that way to start an unforgettable evening.

We gain courage and dare to adventure.

However, there is something that is key to keep in mind: just as cooking has its charm and can help us a lot to start off on the right foot, it also carries its risks.

For this reason, we must be attentive to what to do and what not to do, so that everything turns out perfectly.

The first step is to be aware of our possibilities, beyond how comfortable we may feel between the stoves and that we are confident in our culinary skills.

It is important not to embark on heroic deeds, no complex recipes of unnecessary display.

Dinner can become a prelude to romance, the prelude to a night that may continue until the next morning, it is not an episode of Masterchef.

It is not necessary to show off with something spectacular, it is enough with a good dish that is within our reach and that does not generate much nervousness to prepare it.

The kitchen is always a meeting place.

The idea is to live an evening that hopefully turns out to be as delicious as it is relaxed.

To help make it so, Rexona -who is always with you- shares some tips.

The first, before wearing the chosen outfit, is essential to spend the night without frights: don't forget to put on Rexona Clinical, which thanks to its superior formula provides total protection against perspiration for longer.

minimize risk

If your culinary skills are average, find a recipe that you have already prepared and give it a go.

It is not advisable, with the stress levels that are handled on the first date, to add to the nerves of preparing a meal that we have never practiced before.

A good alternative, to measure how the dish turns out and the flavor, is to check the menu with friends before dinner, to make sure that it is up to the task.

Space and time are two things that must be planned

Choose well

Taking the latter into account, we must simplify as much as possible. How?

Two options: if your relationship with cooking is based on seeing recipes on TikTok and having turned on the oven just to heat something up, then I did ask for delivery.

But something a little more tempting.

Sushi is a great option (basic to find out if the person invited likes fish), and pizzas can also be the perfect solution.

In general, they do not fail.

Of course, do not settle for just a large mozzarella, put a little magic on it, a few leaves of arugula, basil or a touch of ground chili.

Sharing the preparation of dinner is also a way to connect

Pasta is another hit.

There are all kinds, vegan or stuffed (also for celiacs), they are quick and easy to prepare.

The only problem is that you have to cook them at the moment and that the sauces are dangerous for clothes.

However, wearing a kitchen apron neutralizes the danger of stains, and as with Rexona Clinical, you know that protection will be guaranteed.

aphrodisiac dinner

If the idea is to go one step further, and move forward determinedly, there is a long list of foods that encourage and stimulate sexual desire.

Therefore, when the appointment comes with that intention, it is not bad to do a review and have some on the menu.

Do you like oysters?

They are 100% aphrodisiac.

You can also more easily get nuts, chocolate, red fruits and pomegranates.

For when things get hot, remember that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Play it safe.

Use Rexona Clinical that protects you against perspiration, with 3 times more effectiveness.

Rexona Clinical always protects you: between the heat of the stove and also in moments of passion

Time and space

Before you start cooking, make sure you have the necessary ingredients and implements on hand.

Nothing worse than realizing in the middle of the recipe that the eggs are missing or something like that.

Once everything is arranged on the counter, the second point is time.

Not doing things in a hurry and having a margin of error in case problems arise is vital.

Eating a simple meal, with which we feel comfortable, is key.

The icing on the cake

As we said before, it is not necessary to be a specialist in gastronomy.

Good intentions are always worth it, and the important thing is the idea of ​​enjoying the evening.

If cooking is not your forte and you don't feel safe with surprising food, dessert can also be the protagonist.

Surely, something that is already prepared such as ice cream or a mini cake will not fail.

However, if your skills allow it and you want to add a touch of your own to the night, there are several not-so-complicated options.

For example, some apple pancakes flambéed with rhum can be perfect.

If you are looking for a romantic evening, it is better to have everything ready in advance

Everything is ready.

Now there are no excuses for not having a good time.

But if after following these tips the result of dinner is not as expected, perhaps it is best that you change your object of desire.

Sometimes it can happen.

It's not you, she's the other person.

And she remembers that no matter what, Rexona never, ever leaves you.