The Limited Times

Exclusive: the 10 plans of Kirchnerism

4/22/2023, 11:59:30 PM

It will be very funny to see Massa explaining why as President he will know how to do what as Minister of Economy he had no idea.

First of all, we say goodbye to Antonio Aracre, star adviser to the "president".

Shooting star but star at last.

When he took office on February 1, we had wished him luck but also predicted that he would not make it until the fall.

However, it arrived.


On March 21, when autumn began, he was not only still in office, but he held out for another 27 days.

We would not say that his management was a success, but at least he takes that achievement.

Good luck my friend.

However, the fact of the week is the confirmation, so many times advanced from this column, that

in December Alberto returns to the dealership


Wise choice.

Better used bird in hand than a hundred flying.

The video of the resignation begins by saying:

"We are on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the arrival of Néstor Kirchner to the presidency, on May 25.



Actually we are not in the vespers because May 25 is more than a month away.

Vespers would be a couple of days before, not 34. Either they are more stupid than we suppose

or Alberto had the text prepared to launch it on "vespers" and something forced him to advance it


Surely they warned him that, when leaving the PJ party meeting where the electoral strategy was going to be outlined on Friday, the official car was not going to take him back to La Rosada but was going to leave him at the corner of Coco



The "president" will have understood the hint and had no choice but to advance the video planned for "las vespers"

before they lower it with a slingshot


Consequences of the ad?

A good one and a bad one.

The good news is that the campaign gets a lot more fun.

The bad news is that in December we were left without Gabriela Cerruti.

After Alberto lost, everything suggests that the planets are aligning towards a new political stage.

Let's agree that, at 440 mangos per dollar, that lineup is getting a bit expensive for us.

Maybe it was enough to balance and we left the lineup for 2024.

What awaits us now?

Let's analyze.

While the opposition debates whether the structural changes are made

over coffee with croissants with Peronism or by beating them down

, the ruling party faces an unprecedented crossroads.

They must decide whether to present themselves with an emergency formula, risking a result that would embarrass the General, or put the best they have on the pitch and

pray that the photo of the Perón/Evita tandem covers the mess that the Cristina/Alberto tandem made .

Let's get this down to Earth and look at options.

Plan 1


Formula with governors.

There are several available: Uñac, Manzur, Quintela, Ziliotto.

All people who must be terrific but don't even know the parrot.

There are other more famous governors such as Insfrán, Zamora or Capitanich who, for the purposes of political humor, are insurmountable, but who

would not be the most appropriate to win elections in a modern democracy



Plan 2.

Juan Grabois President.

Yes, dear reader.

Believe it or not, the guy has already launched himself as a candidate.

Although Grabois meets one of the essential conditions to win an election, that of being widely known, his case is very particular.

Precisely because everyone knows him, no one is going to vote for him



Plan 3.

Leopold Moreau.

It would be spectacular.

He was already the presidential candidate of the UCR in 2003 against Néstor and got 2.34% of the votes.

With the UCR ruined, he moved to Kirchnerism and is now a Peronist of the first hour.

For those who dream of ending Peronism, he would be the ideal candidate


He would go down in history as the man who achieved the impossible: burying the UCR and the PJ at the same time.

I don't think they will allow it.


Plan 4.

A young, fresh, innovative, modern and lovable formula mixing boys like Wado De Pedro, Cafiero, Recalde, Larroque, Tailhade and thus we can go down until we reach Caligula.

They don't even exceed the STEP but,

if you like them modern, you can just try.

Paragraph aside: the same Friday that the "president" announced that he was leaving, Cafiero compared Alberto's resignation with that of Evita in 1951. Without a doubt

That this boy

has become chancellor without knowing how to speak English is the least of his problems.

Plan 5.

The mature lover: Daniel Yoli, Pagni would say.

A classic.

He could easily have 32 or 33 points.

To sing the foul, he is unbeatable, but to win an election he is going to have to light candles for Milei until La Ñata catches fire so that she can steal millions of votes from Together for Change.

Plan 6.

Massa Presidente, with Cecilia Moreau, Tombolini, Tombolini's wife, Tombolini's wife's bags, and the whole tribe.

Let's analyze the case.

If Elon Musk was applauded like crazy for a super rocket that rose to a height of 20 kilometers, which cost hundreds of millions of dollars and which ended up exploding into a thousand pieces, then Massa would have to be carried on a litter.

He brought the dollar to 440 and inflation to over 100%.

Massa is the Saturn rocket pushing Apollo 11 towards the Moon.

It's going to be a lot of fun listening to him explain why as President he's going to know how to do what as Minister of the Economy he didn't have the foggiest idea.

If Sergio Massa's presidential candidacy is formalized, a phenomenal parable of Kirchnerism would be completed: Verbitsky, Vaca Narvaja, Firmenich, Carta Abierta and other kids for liberation will have voted for Scioli in 2015, Alberto Fernández in 2019 and Massa in 2023. Neither

the Engineer Alsogaray had so many opportunities in a row to vote for the right


Honestly, for that they would have stayed in Sierra Maestra, with Boudou and Alicia Castro, alternating cigars and machine guns with the terraces of the Kavanagh.

Plan 7.

Put together a team with the leftovers from last night's dinner: Tolosa Paz, Rossi, Solá, Insaurralde, Zannini, Magario, Ferraresi.

Nice squad to play in Nacional B.

Plan 8.

Kicillof President.

Luckily, they say that he does not want to know anything and that he is going for his re-election.

Considering the thousands of green sticks in fines, lawsuits and bad negotiations that cost us his two years as Minister of Economy (2013/2015), it is better not to think what four years of this boy in La Rosada would cost us.

Plan 9.

Berni President.

Nothing better than him to face what Alberto defined this Wednesday as the "cursed right."

For that, the Berni-Milani formula would be perfect.

Actually, Alberto himself would have wanted to fight the "cursed right" but he can't because for that

he would have to slap himself in front of the mirror

since for years he was part of it.

Then he saw the light.

Plan 10



Just as in 1973 the General swept the Perón / Perón formula (they got 62% of the votes) and reached the third presidency on the arm of Isabelita, Cristina could try the same with her son Máximo.

As with Cobos in 2007, this time the motto could be

“Mom, the baby and you”.

Nice formula.

Since they perceive themselves as the true and only representatives of the people, of Argentina and of the sea by car, the time has come to prove it.


Yapa plan.

Cristina President, to dry.

Undoubtedly, she alone is the one that can gather the most votes in the Front of All.

Will she be encouraged to postpone the verse of the ban and launch into the adventure?

If someone brings you a favorable survey, do not hesitate.

Do you have chances to win?

There are always chances, it just doesn't depend on her but, once again,

it depends on the opposition doing everything wrong


Hey, it's over.

A triumph for Cristina has a good and a bad.

The good news is that Coco Automotores stays with Alberto forever.

The bad news is that with Cristina in La Rosada,

we are going to end up missing him


After all, in one way or another, the Kirchnerist Golden Law is always fulfilled.

Even when it seems impossible.