The Limited Times

Disguised as Gandalf, a Lord of the Rings fan crosses paths with Ian McKellen on the streets of Bristol

4/23/2023, 5:11:46 AM

A group of students met the man who played the magician in Peter Jackson's films last week. The comedian was leaving a show in which he played in the city center.

An air of magic floated last week in the streets of Bristol, in the west of England.

On the evening of April 13, shortly before midnight, the bustling streets of the city center are filled with a strange troupe.

Ben Coyle, a young Brit, strolls with his friends.

It's his 22nd birthday.

For the occasion, the student dressed up as Gandalf, the magician from the trilogy of The

Lord of the Rings

and The


, by JRR Tolkien.

With his ample hat, his heavy dress and his abundant beard, the figure does not go unnoticed.

And by a happy coincidence, the wizard of Bristol crosses paths with a recognized expert in all things magical: Ian McKellen, the true cinematic Gandalf.

"With my friends, we were walking in the street when someone exclaimed behind me:

'Do you want to meet the real Gandalf?'" Ben Coyle told the English press agency SWNS.

After a second of hesitation, I was stunned to recognize him.

I was like,

'Oh my God, that's Sir Ian McKellen!'



The 83-year-old British comedian met the young man and his friends in Corn Street, not far from the Bristol Hippodrome performance hall.

Ian McKellen had just come out of a performance of

Mother Goose

, a pantomime show in which he played a colorful Mother Goose.

Read alsoNew films adapted from Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's universe in preparation

Footage of the encounter, posted on TikTok by Ben Coyle's friends, shows the two Gandalfs walking and posing alongside each other in historic Bristol.

The actor, who interpreted the magician six times in the cinema, in the various adaptations of Tolkien's stories directed by Peter Jackson, was not wearing his gray hat, but a cap - less iconic, certainly, but also less inconvenient.

“He asked me my age, wished me a happy birthday and shook my hand

, detailed Ben Coyle.

He is a really charming guy, an excellent person, someone cordial, humble and down to earth, humble


The student summed up this astonishing encounter with a wish that could not be more British.

“I would like to offer him a drink one of these four!”
