The Limited Times

Forstern's maypole returns polished

4/23/2023, 4:11:45 PM

The Forstern Maypole is back at the Wachtüberl. The Forstern Maypole is back at the Wachtüberl. Forstern – Just in time for the children's afternoon on Saturday, it was there again, the Forstern maypole. That was perfect timing, after all it was part of the program for the little visitors at the Maibaumstüberl to paint the tree. The Hohenlinden boys' club had stolen him a week earlier. As reported, the boys struck the night before the big day

The Forstern Maypole is back at the Wachtüberl.


– Just in time for the children's afternoon on Saturday, it was there again, the Forstern maypole.

That was perfect timing, after all it was part of the program for the little visitors at the Maibaumstüberl to paint the tree.

The Hohenlinden boys' club had stolen him a week earlier.

As reported, the boys struck the night before the big day celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Forstern fire department.

The night before, the club from the Ebersberg district had started a theft attempt, and the coup only worked on the second attempt.

Negotiations were held last Tuesday, "and after some discussion we agreed on the triggers," the fire brigade said without giving details: "Both parties agreed not to disclose the amount of the triggers."

On Friday afternoon, the Hohenlinden lads brought the tree back to the marquee - pulled as it should be by an Eicher tractor and also completely sanded, which the lads in the neighboring community did for the fire brigade.

She thanks "for the neat work" and is now looking forward to the remaining days of the Maibaumstüberl with daily operation and the events "Feierwehr goes Mallorca" (April 28th, 8 p.m.), Hüttengaudi with Gams N' Roses (April 29th, 8 p.m.) and a Weißwurst morning pint (30 April, 10 a.m.).

The tree will then be set up on May 1st in the town centre.