The Limited Times

Psychiatrist attacked in Pisa, a man stopped

4/23/2023, 9:35:45 AM

He is accused of attempted murder of Dr. Barbara Capovani (ANSA) A 35-year-old Italian man has been in custody since 4 in the night on charges of attempted premeditated murder against psychiatrist Barbara Capovani, the psychiatrist attacked on Friday afternoon in front of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa and hospitalized at the end of life, his condition is very critical. The detention was carried out by the police and ordered by the Pisa prosecutor's office,

A 35-year-old Italian man has been in custody since 4 in the night on charges of attempted premeditated murder against psychiatrist Barbara Capovani, the psychiatrist attacked on Friday afternoon in front of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa and hospitalized at the end of life, his condition is very critical.

The detention was carried out by the police and ordered by the Pisa prosecutor's office, following investigations conducted by the mobile team.

The details will be provided in a press conference to be held today at 11.15 at the police headquarters, in via S. Francesco.

Meanwhile Barbara Capovani fights between life and death. 

The doctor, who underwent surgery, is in very serious condition after being hit several times with a sharp object on the head, perhaps by a bar.

Barbara, left helpless and unconscious on the ground in the blood at the exit of the psychiatry building of the Santa Chiara hospital in Pisa, is now hospitalized with a confidential prognosis in the same structure.

"The patient's clinical conditions are extremely critical, despite the surgical and anesthesiological-resuscitation procedures immediately implemented in the Pisan hospital-university company which stabilized the picture", explains the latest ASL bulletin.

The Order of doctors and the trade unions of the category are also in shock by what happened: in the last year in Tuscany there were 1,258 attacks on doctors.

Speaking of a "very serious act that deeply hurts" is the president of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli.

"This violence - he adds - brings to mind the barbaric murder of the psychiatrist Paola Labriola. And in these hours we are all close to the colleague, so that she can make it, to her family, and also to the hospital doctors".

Even the doctors and managers of Ssn Fp Cgil Toscana comment on "yet another act of violence against a health worker. An unspeakable act against a professional in the exercise of her duties.

A cowardly act against a woman - they add - and it is precisely women, in fact, who often suffer this violence at work, a cultural heritage that emulates the impulses of society.

The fact that a woman, a professional in the exercise of her function, is massacred and reduced to critical conditions must prompt a profound reflection in local and regional institutions. 

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