The Limited Times

"The whole time I had it in my mind that you were still a child": the fighter who returned early from vacation at home - voila! Food

4/24/2023, 12:00:15 PM

A recipe with memory: the story of Ron Kokia. The project "Recipe with Memory" seeks to commemorate the fallen and allow the participants to know their story through cooking their favorite recipes >>>

"Raised to love people and respect them."

Ron Kokia (photo: courtesy of the family)

Ron Kokia, the son of Livna and Boaz, was born in Jerusalem on March 23, 1998, a younger brother of the second, Dor and Noi.

"He loved the company of children, grew up with older brothers, and adapted to mature behavior," his parents said, "but he didn't forget to go wild, play and fool around."

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his family moved over the years to Tel Aviv, and he attended a new high school in the city.

He loved geography, invested in computer games and even started and programmed an urban entertainment app with his close friend.

Towards the end of his studies and enlistment in the IDF, Ron's family went on two trips - a skiing vacation for the men of the family in Switzerland and a family vacation in the United States. "I kept thinking that you were still a child," his sister Noi recalled, "and I thought how much fun it would be when you were released."

Ron He enlisted in the Nahal Brigade in November 2016, and was assigned to the 932nd Battalion. He went through training and was trained as a fighter, and was assigned the role of a sniper. "Already at the first range it was clear that he had talent," recalled his commander Benya. In August 2017, he joined the company headquarters as a staff member, as the commander's driver, and for four months After that, he was killed in an attack. He returned early from vacation to join his friends in securing settlements in the Hebron sector, and was stabbed to death while waiting for a ride to Arad.

"Our Ron was raised to love people and respect them, but also to 'respect and suspect them,'" his father eulogized him, "that day It seems to me that he was not suspicious enough, and thus was murdered by vile people.I call on all citizens of all religions to be more tolerant of one another."

"Essay from the most honest place".

A recipe with memory (Photo: Recipe with memory)

The project "Recipe with Memory" seeks to commemorate the fallen and allow the participants to get to know their story through cooking their favorite recipes.

The project, founded about eight years ago by Aden Kohli, invites surfers from Israel and the world to actively and excitingly connect with stories, photos and food.

As part of it, meetings are held in which a favorite dish of an IDF veteran or a victim of hostilities who has never returned home to eat it is cooked, and in which they taste and share photos, stories, video clips, and talk about the person behind the dish, and his family.

"This moment, when you taste a dish that you cooked yourself, and just before you read about the space and the story behind that dish, is a very exciting and very significant moment," Kohli described, "It is a very unique way of commemorating that allows connection from the most sincere place, through smells and tastes, Through memories".

Fallen stories, and other recipes, can be found on the "Recipe with Memory" website

"We always thought he might be prime minister"

The soldier who insisted on returning to his comrades in the company

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Grandma's pasta


    • pasta

    • 1 box of tomato paste

    • 5 tablespoons of oil

    • 2 teaspoons coarse salt

  • For the conversion table click here >


How do you make grandma's pasta?

  • 1 Heat oil in a pot.

    Add tomato paste and salt

  • 2 Fill a pot with water and boil.

    Put in the pasta.

    Stir occasionally, until it softens.

    Transfer to the sauce pot, mix well

  • Food

  • The food news


  • The day of remembrance for the martyrs of Israel's systems and the victims of hostilities