The Limited Times

“He will receive a very icy reception”: Prince Harry placed 10 rows behind his family for the coronation of Charles III

4/24/2023, 11:00:14 AM

The youngest will attend the coronation of his father on May 6, in Westminster Abbey. Prince Harry should, however, be put aside from the other members of the royal family.

As the coronation of Charles III approaches on May 6 in London, all members of the royal family are busy for the event.

Except one: Prince Harry, exiled to California with his family and thus exempted from the preparations for the party.

Some even doubted his presence on D-Day, until the announcement from Buckingham Palace on April 12 confirming that he would make the trip.

Prince Harry will come alone, without his wife and two children Archie and Lilibet.

To discover

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Read alsoDo you want to participate in the coronation of Charles III?

Come ring the bells!

In video, Prince Harry makes a surprise appearance in London for a hearing against a tabloid

A quiet leak

According to former royal butler Paul Burrel, who spoke to

The Sun

newspaper  on Sunday April 23, Lady Diana's son will be ostracized from members of the monarchy, placed 10 rows behind them in the Abbey of Westminster.

If some may see it as condescension to the prince, the placement would on the contrary allow Harry to withdraw from the ceremony in the greatest discretion, added Paul Burrel.

“He comes to show himself, he assured in another interview with the GB News television channel.

He will be there to get his foot in the door and because his dad wants to have his two sons for this amazing day in his life.

But Harry won't stick around."

Still according to the former butler: “he does not want to spend a lot of time with his family”.

In video, the trailer of the interview granted by prince Harry to ITV

“Open heart” discussion

If we are to believe these words, we should thus forget all hope of reconciliation between the two parties.

However, on April 15, other sources claimed the opposite in the columns of



King Charles III and his deposed son would indeed have had an "open heart" discussion, not long ago, concerning the state of their relationship, etiolated since the prince's departure on the other side of the Atlantic and since the publication of his explosive memoirs, in January 2023.




Le Suppléant

in French), the husband of Meghan Markle settles accounts with his family and with the whole of the United Kingdom.

He delivers many behind-the-scenes details of the monarchy and the apparent racism against his wife, damaging Buckingham's reputation.

An intimacy and accusations spread out in the public square, and that some members like his brother Prince William, have obviously not yet digested.