The Limited Times

15-year-old kicked girls several times - "Usually there is an arrest"

4/24/2023, 6:12:21 PM

A 15-year-old from Penzberg has now had to answer before the Weilheim district court because he first violently brought down a 17-year-old girl and then kicked her several times.

A 15-year-old from Penzberg has now had to answer before the Weilheim district court because he first violently brought down a 17-year-old girl and then kicked her several times.


– On Halloween evening last year, she was out with a friend in Penzberg when suddenly the accused's group of friends threw eggs at them, according to the 17-year-old.

They then went to a toilet to wash off the eggs.

When they left, however, they realized that the group had followed them.

Mutual provocations caused the situation to escalate

As the injured party described, there were mutual provocations, which soon escalated the situation.

The accused crossed the street, pushed her over and kicked her upper body several times, according to the injured party.

The 15-year-old, however, explained that he only got involved because one of the girls "chased after one of his friends with a baseball bat".

As it turned out in court, the bat in question probably belonged to the Halloween costume of the victim's girlfriend.

It could not be ruled out that she might have used the racket as a threat.

As another witness reported, the accused only let go of the 17-year-old when she intervened verbally.

"It was right next to my front door," the woman testified before the district court.

There is currently a certain “scene” in Penzberg

"A shoed foot can cause serious injury," Judge Braun said.

One can speak of luck that the injured party only suffered bruises.

The fact that the 15-year-old apparently spends his free time with other criminally conspicuous young people caused concern for both the judge and the juvenile court assistance.

There is currently a certain "scene" in Penzberg.

The prosecutor demanded a youth detention, but the judge was merciful

The public prosecutor was also of the opinion that the accused would do well to “change his circle of friends permanently”.

At no point did the injured party pose a threat that would have justified the 15-year-old's actions.

Due to the "considerable brutality", the public prosecutor demanded, among other things, a juvenile detention.

However, Judge Braun was merciful.

She sentenced the 15-year-old to 40 hours of community service and a ten-hour investigation of the crime due to dangerous bodily harm.

The accused should "change permanently" his circle of friends

"I know you always feel very grown up," the judge said to the defendant.

"But you're not yet." "There's usually arrest for that," she said of the crime, advising the youth to stay away from the people he's currently hanging out with.

Florian Zerhoch