The Limited Times

A town in Moselle turns on public lighting after a series of car wheel thefts

4/24/2023, 3:54:08 PM

The streetlights had been off since November for ecological and economic reasons. The population had since “a strong feeling of insecurity”.

The town hall of Sérémange-Erzange (Moselle) has decided to turn on the night lighting, which has been off since November for ecological and economic reasons, at the request of the inhabitants after a series of car wheel thefts, we learned on Monday .

The inhabitants have been victims of damage on several occasions.

A gang turned, five to seven cars were found on chocks, the wheels had been dismantled,

”the director general of municipal services, Frédéric Guériot, told AFP, confirming information from the daily newspaper Today in France. .

“Strong feeling of insecurity”

Since November, public lighting has remained off between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. in the town of 4,200 inhabitants located at the foot of the old Florange blast furnaces.

The objective was to preserve biodiversity and the environment and to make savings on energy consumption.

But we really had no other choice but to restore the lighting, the population had a strong feeling of insecurity

,” added Frédéric Guériot.

The recovery was well received, and it is true that since then we have not had any other downgrades.


According to the national police of the neighboring town of Thionville, "

around thirty

" car wheel thefts have been recorded in Sérémange-Erzange and in the surrounding towns, whether or not they are lit at night, since the end of 2022. perpetrators of the thefts, minors, were arrested.


The absence of lighting at night greatly facilitates the work of certain ill-intentioned people, and it complicates the use of video surveillance, it is all black on the images

", regretted to AFP an officer from the police station of Thionville.