The Limited Times

April 25: Anpi, the government and Meloni dissociate themselves from the Ventennio

4/24/2023, 6:12:16 PM

The national president of Anpi Pagliarulo criticizes the choice of the president of the Senate who will pay tribute to Jan Palach: 'La Russa had 364 days to go to Prague'. Mattarella invites us to keep our memory alive. SPECIAL - Italy remembers the Liberation, the ceremonies for April 25 (ANSA)

"I was struck by the fact that the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa will go to Prague tomorrow to pay homage to Jan Palach who is certainly a hero of freedom but there are 364 other days a year to do it".

This was stated by the national president of the Anpi, Gianfranco Pagliarulo, on the telephone with ANSA, commenting on the programs for April 25 of the president of the Senate.

"Tomorrow in the country where there was the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine or the massacre of Marzabotto or Sant'Anna di Stazzema it would have been more logical to bring a flower there", he concluded.

ANSA Agency

April 25: Mattarella, the commitment to keep memory alive is good - Politics

Meeting at the Quirinale with a representation of the fighting and weapon associations.

SPECIAL - Italy remembers the Liberation, the ceremonies for April 25 (ANSA)

"We are in a surreal situation where the president of the Senate said what he said first about via Rasella and then about the Constitution, plus the non-declarations on fascism by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni since she took office. On the anniversary of the march he did not say a word about Rome and continued in his silence on the issues of fascism", underlined Pagliarulo.

On the eve of April 25, the president of the PNA hopes that Giorgia Meloni's party and its representatives in the government will "make a clear and irreversible dissociation from the history and political culture of the twenty years which caused enormous damage to Italy".

According to Pagliarulo "it is clear that there is a reserve" to talk about these issues by the leaders of Fratelli d'

April 25, the love story between Aphrodite and Achilles during the Liberation

On 25 April La Russa at the concentration camp in Prague -

The president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, will go to the concentration camp in Theresienstadt (Prague) on 25 April.

This is what we read in the agenda of the president of Palazzo Madama.

La Russa will go to the Altar of the Fatherland in the morning then leave for Prague to participate in the meeting of the Presidents of the Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union (Prague) and then at 3 pm she will be at the commemoration, with the laying of a wreath to the Jan Palach Monument in Wenceslas Square.