The Limited Times

Renaud Girard: "The two wars of Vladimir Putin"

4/24/2023, 6:54:27 PM

CHRONICLE - The West is fully with Ukraine, but the rest of the world refrains from condemning Russia, when it does not secretly wish for its victory.

On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin's Russia embarked on a war of invasion, in order to subjugate Ukraine to his views.

This war did not unfold as the Russian president had imagined.

The Ukrainian army resisted with a courage that Putin had not anticipated, while the Russian army showed the whole world its disorganization, its lack of discipline.

The Russians haven't made a single significant advance since March 2022.

The Ukrainians, equipped and informed by the West, proving unbeatable on the ground, Putin then launched a second war, this time ideological, media and diplomatic.

It is directed against what he calls the “collective West”.

As the Russian army does not prevail, as Vladimir Putin does not achieve the stated goal of his "special military operation" (the "denazification" of the government of Kiev, that is to say a change of regime) , we can say that he is losing his first war.

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