The Limited Times

The keys to visit Calingasta, a growing destination

4/24/2023, 9:54:13 AM

Wineries and vineyards, sand yachting and majestic skies in a valley at the foot of the Ansilta Mountain Range.

It is a town, a department and a valley at the foot of the Andes Mountains.

And also one of the

post-pandemic tourist


, one of those so-called “emerging” destinations, which receives more and more visitors on holidays and long weekends and brings its occupancy rates closer to 100%.

This is


, a great valley in the west of San Juan that dazzles with its landscape of high mountains, mighty rivers and lots of sun: an average of 300 sunny days a year.

170 km from the city of San Juan and 1,300 from Buenos Aires, Villa Calingasta, and above all the neighboring Barreal, are becoming the great tourist hub of the Cuyo province, adding to classics such as the Ischigualasto Provincial Park -better known as Valle de la Luna-, the

Wine Route

and the

dikes between mountains

such as Punta Negra, Cuesta del Viento or Ullum, which in summers and weekends are filled with bathers and lovers of water sports.

Landscape of the Calingasta valley.

The summits of the Cordillera

From the capital of San Juan, you have to take Route 40 to the north and in Talacasto turn left, to the west, onto Provincial Route 436, which heads towards the mountains and, after passing the natural thermal baths of Talacasto,


off Route 149 southwest, through a semi-desert landscape where the mountain ranges get higher and higher: a good preview of what's to come.

Because what comes, after crossing the San Juan River and accompanying it for a long time in its zigzagging between mountains, is an impressive view towards the

Ansilta Mountain Range

, a section of high peaks of the Andes Mountains highly desired by mountaineers. with a picturesque town at its feet, right at the crossroads between the De los Patos river and the Calingasta river.

Villa Calingasta

is a green oasis between arid mountains, and although about 75 km to the north is the striking geological formation known as "white mushrooms of Tocotá", the main part of the department is concentrated from Calingasta to the south, with the towns of


-area of farms and cultivated plots- and


and El Leoncito National Park.

Rafting on the De los Patos river.

Photo Tourism Calingasta

What to do in Calingasta, besides enjoying the scenery?

A lot.

For example,

horseback riding

of different duration and difficulty, through the hills and between leafy avenues, crowned by the "star horseback ride" which is the

Sanmartiniano de los Andes Crossing through the Paso de los Patos

, used by a large part of the Liberation Army commanded by San Martin.

It is that the mountains are undoubtedly the main protagonists of the place, a magnet for lovers of extreme challenges, but also for those who enjoy, for example, simply hiking at the foot of eternal snow peaks such as Mount Mercedario, which


6,720 , meters is the


highest peak in America.

El Mercedario is part of La Ramada, a horseshoe-shaped mountain range where imposing glaciers and

five peaks of more than 6,000 meters

stand out , with a great variety in terms of itineraries and difficulties of trekking, ascents and bouldering rock climbing.

Horseback riding is one of the most popular activities.

Photo Turimo Calingasta

Among these summits are those of La Ramada, La Mesa, Alma Negra and Pico Polaco.

A paunch of mountains and landscapes inhabited by guanacos and flown over by

eagles and condors


Run like the wind

Another unmissable proposal in this valley, especially since it is not practiced in many other places, is sand


in the nearby Pampa del Leoncito, an impressive desert plain at the foot of the mountains that is something like the "mecca" of the country for practice this activity.

Pampa del Leoncito is the main site in the country to practice sand yachting.

Photo file

There are two types of outings: one includes an introductory and explanatory talk to later drive a blokart

on your own

, a state-of-the-art car specially designed for this sport.

The other is a trip in a double car, with an instructor.

Either of the two guarantees to feel the adrenaline of the speed generated by the Andean winds at sunset, which can propel vehicles up to

almost 80 km/h


Adrenaline on wheels.

There are single and two-seater cars.

Of course, the mountainous winds are assured

between October and March


Starting in April, departures are subject to weather conditions.



, through circuits designed through valleys and mountains, and rafting on the De los Patos river, are other proposals for adventure tourism in this San Juan valley that is also the cradle of good wines: the Calingasta Wine Route



dozens of wineries and vineyards and a "wine warehouse" where you can taste different local varieties -malbec, cabernet sauvignon, torrontés or syrah, among others- paired with regional dishes.

By bike in front of the old chapel of Nuestra Señora del Carmen.

Photo Tourism Calingasta

And whoever is looking for history should know that the valley also has it.

For example, in the

Nuestra Señora del Carmen chapel

, known as the “Catalve chapel”, in reference to the Catalve of Chile on which the area depended ecclesiastically in other times.

It was built in 1739 with adobe walls that frame a single rectangular one, a portico with three arches and a wooden strapped roof covered with mud and straw.

Few meters and three centuries separate this chapel from the

monumental Cristo de la Misericordia

, a 30-meter-high metal sculpture that rises on top of a hill, 50 meters above the town.

Made with iron plates, it conveys

a sensation of movement

and seems to change depending on the sunlight and the LED lights that illuminate it at night.

In search of history, in Calingasta there are also

two museums


In the


the main attraction is a mummy of more than 500 years, but stone pieces, necklace beads, vessels or decorated fabrics of the original peoples, among other items, are also exhibited.

The sculpture of the Christ of Mercy is 30 meters high.

Photo Tourism Calingasta

The other museum is the

Regional, Cultural and Historical Center

created by Cora Esquivel more than 70 years ago, with elements that reconstruct life in the area in other times through vintage photos and everyday items.

In the sky the stars, in the field...

The average for the area is 300 sunny days a year, as we mentioned before.

And this implies, of course, that there are about 300 clear days per year.

This little cloudiness, added to the altitude and low air pollution, are the perfect setting for observing the skies, and for this reason Calingasta has become a point of

reference for astronomical tourism


The skies of San Juan are perfect for astronomical tourism.

Photo Tourism Calingasta

Not for nothing here, 40 km southeast of Barreal, is the

El Leoncito astronomical complex

, which, inaugurated in September 1986, was a pioneer and is a benchmark in space observation in the country.

Located in an astronomical reserve of 70,000 hectares, the complex can be visited at night (previous reservation to to make an

astronomical observation guided

by telescope.

There is also an option that adds a dinner and another with dinner and accommodation for one night, with breakfast.

Breakfasts and lunches are also enjoyed in the

rural tourism

proposals of establishments that offer tours of farms and

homemade gastronomy


There are picadas or chivitos al asador, as well as “homemade” products ranging from sweets and jams to preserves or cheeses made with goat's milk, so as not to leave with an empty belly.

In the area there are several wineries to visit.

Photo Tourism Calingasta


How to get there

• From Buenos Aires to Villa Calingasta it is 1,307 km along RN 7 to Uspallata (Mendoza) and RN 149.

• Aerolíneas Argentinas flies to San Juan: roundtrip from $27,272.

• Bus from Retiro to San Juan (1:00-4:00 pm), from $14,600 in semi-bed to $19,763 in Single Executive Bed (one way).

• From San Juan to Barreal, take the El Triunfo bus, $1,550 one way (

Where to stay

In Calingasta there is a limited offer of lodging and cabins, such as Maju: from $7,900 a night for 4. In Barreal the offer is broader, and includes hostels, cabins, inns and apartments.

At the Don Ramón inn, single room, $8,000;

double, $9,500;

quadruple, $12,500.

Calingasta is one of the destinations that has grown the most in recent times.

Photo Tourism Calingasta

How much does it cost?

• Boat sailing trip, $15,000 per person.

There are two hours (from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) in an individual car and includes an explanatory talk and free navigation (0264-505-9122).

• Guided horseback riding, $1,000 an hour (Don Lisandro, 0264-624-4396).​

Where to find out

+54 9 264 661-1725

+54 9 264 508-7552


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